Going away to college should be the best time of your life, but for Lanie Montgomery it's an escape. After an abusive relationship leaves her distrustful, Lanie has no desire to be in one, let alone fall in love.
While Lanie tries to avoid people, Xander continues to show up in her life around every corner. From the moment she lays eyes on him, a connection is made. Their passion develops into a bond that both scares and entices her. It's turned into something she feels it shouldn't have.
But then her past creeps back in, her ex wreaking havoc on their lives She knows Xander wants to save her, but she thinks he can't. She feels she has to take care of herself, but everything starts to fall apart. Because...
The past. Always. Catches. Up.
And its secrets haunt them both. Will their love be strong enough?