Love You Madly, a novel inspired by the author’s personal love story, tells the emotional journey of two friends who had lost faith in love after their failed marriages, until they discover it in an unexpected place. Callie, a soon-to-be single mother, is determined to rebuild her life after her husband’s wandering eyes shattered their marriage. Meanwhile, Owen, a divorced single father who has been trying to find the girl of his dreams… Literally. Despite their certainty about not marrying again, fate intervenes.
Callie and Owen’s online meeting turns into a deep friendship that saves them both. The distance between them stops their friendship from going any further. But they find solace in one another while trying to navigate the dating pool. They confide in each other, sharing their stories, dreams, and fears, and finding comfort in each other’s words.
Callie and Owen’s dynamic shifts when she asks for his help after months of only virtual communication. Despite the physical separation, Owen remains a reliable source of support for her. Their friendship, previously limited to screens, gains a new dimension through their in-person meeting. Their undeniable chemistry evolves from a simple connection to something more.
As Callie and Owen navigate the challenges of their complicated lives, they discover their bond is stronger than they ever imagined. Despite their past scars, can they open their hearts and risk love once more? Love You Madly is a heartfelt tale of rediscovering love, the transformative nature of friendship, and the bravery to embrace love again.
Experience the transformative journey of Callie and Owen as they learn the profound significance of their Happily Ever After.