Page 86 of Love You Madly

“I’m pregnant,” she says, her voice cracking under the weight of the words.

“Okay,” I say slowly. “And you’re throwing the test in my breakfast because?”

“Because you’re trying to break up with me and I’m fucking pregnant.”

For a split second, the room tilts. My vision narrows, and for just that one heartbeat, I doubt myself. I rack my brain, searching for a gap, a drunken blur where I could have missed something—but no. No, I was sober. I was there. We didn’t… we couldn’t have.

“Karissa,” I say, forcing calm into my voice. “That’s impossible. We didn’t?—"

She guffaws. “We slept together the night we all went camping. You must have been too drunk to remember.”

I can’t believe she’s actually trying to gaslight me into thinking we slept together. “Karissa,” I say, trying to be gentle even though I’m so pissed I can feel my skin starting to heat. “That’s not possible. I didn’t drink much that night because you were so sloppy drunk and I wanted to make sure that you were taken care of. We didn’t sleep together. I don’t know who you’re thinking of but it wasn’t me.”

Karissa’s tears turn to anger. “How can you say that to me? You must be getting your days mixed up. You were drunk.”

“No, Karissa.” This woman is really starting to test my patience. “Iwas not drunk.Youwere.” My voice is low, trying to stay calm. “I remember everything from that night, and I know for a fact we didn’t sleep together. If you’re pregnant, it’snot mine. I won’t even try to unpack the fact that you got pregnant while we were dating because maybe you were already pregnant and didn’t know it yet but fuck. There’s no way the baby you’re having is mine.”

She glares at me, her face flushed with anger. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. You’re just trying to get out of taking responsibility!”

“I’m telling you the truth,” I insist. “That,” I say, pointing to her stomach, “is not my kid.” I then point to a picture of Barrett nearby. “THAT,”I continue, “is my kid. And I do just fine taking responsibility for him. If you and I had slept together and if that child were mine, I would take responsibility for them too. But you,” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly to avoid calling her something that I shouldn’t, “are wrong.”

Karissa stands up abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor. “You’re a bastard, Owen. I can’t believe I trusted you.”

“I think it’s time for you to go,” I say, standing up slowly and pointing her toward the door.

She storms out, slamming the door behind her. I stand there, the sound of her car starting and driving away echoing in my ears. My shoulders slump as I sink back into my chair, my appetite gone.

I slump into the chair, head in my hands. It’s over. The weight of the confrontation crashes into me all at once. The anger, the disbelief… it’s all there, simmering just beneath the surface. I should feel relieved. But instead, all I feel is the empty silence she left behind.

What the actual fuck?



CALLIE - JULY 13, 2013

Ithought that I would have slept better last night considering Sara wasn’t here to keep me up but I had no such luck. It was like my brain wouldn’t shut off. The memories of finally meeting Owen had my mind racing. I never actually expected him to show up when I sent him the text asking him to help me move. And even though him coming to help me was unexpected, I’m incredibly glad he did.

Having the chance to finally see him meant more to me than I care to admit. Part of me is glad that he didn’t make a pass at me while he was here because he’s in a relationship with someone else. And I refuse to let myself fall back into the old patterns I’m just starting to pull away from. But my chaotic side wanted to throw all of that out the window and kiss him like I’ve been wanting too for so long now.

I just wish things weren’t so complicated.

To add insult to injury, I have to make the drive to Burlington to pick Sara up from Adam’s this morning. I amdreading seeing the man that has made my life hell for the last couple of years. Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing Sara but interacting with Adam is the last thing I want to do today.

When I pull up to the house we were supposed to share, I take a deep breath before walking up to the door. Adam opens it before I can even knock with Sara toddling around his legs. My heart swells at the sight of her, and she runs to me, wrapping her tiny arms around my legs.

“Hi, sweetie,” I say, bending down to scoop her up. “Did you have fun with Daddy?”

She gives me a nod and Adam informs me that she didn’t sleep very well last night. That makes two of us. Just as I am about to leave, Adam looks a bit awkward, scratching the back of his neck. “Callie, uh, Katie stayed over last night. I thought you should know.”

My initial reaction is a flash of anger and hurt. He has his new girlfriend spending the night while my daughter is here? I want to lash out, but I bite my tongue and refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing it bothers me.

“Okay,” I say finally, my voice steady. “Thanks for letting me know.” I force a smile, not wanting to upset Sara.

My phone buzzes in my pocket as I buckle Sara into her carseat. I see there’s a text from Owen, and I can’t help but smile. I’m fairly certain my head is still spinning from my first time meeting him yesterday.
