I wipe away the tears that are now falling from my eyes. This man… I don’t even know what to say. I slowly shake my head as the tears continue to fall trying to let me know that it’s not that I don’t love the gift. “This is too much, Owen. I…. we…. Why would you do this?”
He looks at me, his expression softening as he leans the box against one of the porch columns and steps closer to me. “Callie… I did this because you’re my friend and you needed some help.”
Ouch. I’m immediately reminded that I’m in the friend zone with this man. This incredible man that just bought me a crib for my daughter because I was too tired to go get one. This man that just drove here yesterday and helped me move out of my shitty apartment. This man who… isn’t mine.
“Owen,” I say softly, “please know that I’m not at all trying to sound ungrateful but I cannot accept this. It’s too much.”And I’m pretty sure your girlfriend will be pretty pissed about it.
“Callie, please accept this. I want to make sure you’re taken care of.”
And before I can stop myself, I blurt out “I’m not going to be anyone’s side chick, Owen. This gift is not a gift that you give a friend. And those things are not the things that you say to just a friend. You have a fucking girlfriend!”
His eyes go wide and I clap my hand to my mouth to shut myself up and take a deep breath.
“What I mean,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady, “is that you shouldn’t do these grand gestures for people when you have a girlfriend.”
“Not anymore,” he says simply, his eyes never leaving mine.
My breath catches in my throat, and I feel a rush of emotions.Holy. Fucking. Shit.“What did you say?” I ask, dumbfounded.
“I said,” – he steps closer to me and takes my hands in his – “not anymore.”
“You better not be fucking with me,” I say, my voice trembling with a mix of hope and fear. He’s so close now that I can feel his breath when he lets out a low chuckle.
Owen’s dark eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief as he reaches up and turns his hat around backwards.Why is that simple move so fucking hot?
“Callie,” he says, gently lifting my chin so I’m forced to look at him, “I assure you, this is not what I have in mind when it comes to fucking,” he pauses, letting the word hang in the air before adding with a teasing smile, “withyou.”
I don’t miss the innuendo in his tone or the fact that the grip he still has on my right hand has become more firm and… possessive as his left hand lets go of my chin.
I look up at him, really taking in his features. His deep brown eyes hold mine with an intensity that makes my knees feel weak. He’s wearing a fitted gray t-shirt that shows off his broad shoulders and strong arms, and his jeans hang just right on his hips. He looks rugged and handsome, every bit the man who has invaded so many of my thoughts since we started talking two months ago.
“I mean it, Owen,” I say, stomping my foot in frustration like a protesting teenage girl.
“Oh, I have no doubt,” he assures me. And he fucking winks at me, that damn playful glint in his eyes making my heart race even more.
God, he’s so close now the pull my heart feels toward him almost hurts. I can’t help but smile through the tears.
I take a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. “So, what now?”
“Well, first, I’m going to need you to put the claws away,” he says, giving my hand three soft squeezes before letting go, and I feel the loss of his touch in my whole body. “And then, I’m going to need you to invite me inside so I can get this crib put together for you unless you want me to build it on the front porch.”
Owen smiles, a look of pure sincerity in his eyes. His smile transforms his face, making him look more handsome, if that’s possible. I can see the genuine care and affection in his eyes, and it sets my heart ablaze.
“Okay,” I whisper, my voice barely audible as I step aside and gesture toward the door. “Come on in.”
As he picks up the box and walks inside, I follow as the butterflies in my stomach rage around like they are trying to find a way out.
OWEN - JULY 13, 2013
Carrying the box into Callie’s house, I start to feel a level of unease settling in my chest. I should have thought this through a bit more. Springing this on her, especially with Sara here, wasn’t my smartest move. I just wanted to do something nice for her and make life a little easier. But I didn’t think about the major boundary I’m potentially crossing by asking to be here when she has her daughter.
As I set the box down in the living room, I glance at Callie. She’s watching me, a soft smile playing on her lips. Despite my worries, she seems to be okay with it. Still, guilt gnaws at me. What was I thinking, just showing up like this?
“Callie…” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. “I didn’t think about the fact that Sara would be here when I just showed up like this. If you need me to go, I can. I just wanted to help since you were so worn out. I should never have assumed that you’d be okay with me coming here like this when your daughter ishere.”