Enter the chaotic life of Leah Martin, a shy fashion prodigy with an unassuming charm, always used to playing second fiddle to her vivacious identical twin, Sophie. But when a gnarly ski accident in Aspen sidelines her sister, suddenly, Leah's stepping into Sophie's killer heels, working for the drop-dead gorgeous fashion big shot, Damien Laurent.
Pretending to be Sophie is one thing, but dealing with the heart-skipping beats whenever she's around the smoldering Damien? That's a whole different kind of crazy.
Leah's playing a dangerous game as every professional encounter with her irresistible boss blurs into something... well, a bit more personal. And with each smoldering glance he throws her way, the sparks between them become like fireworks.
She's on the edge of a deliciously dilemma: play it safe and stick to the charade, or give in to the magnetic pull of Damien and risk losing it all?