“Oh, yes, Mrs. Redwine looks out for my interests regarding my grandson,” Opal continued. “I asked her to keep an extra close eye on you, and it seems my caution has paid off.”

I realized that this would not be a pleasant conversation.

“I know your kind,” Opal said, her tone scathing. “As soon as you feel a man like Spencer slipping through your fingers, your first thought is to trap him with a baby.”

I was taken aback by her accusations. I had never considered what Spencer’s family would think of my pregnancy, but I certainly didn’t expect any of them to accuse me of trying to force Spencer into anything.

Anger quickly overtook my surprise, but I kept my temper in check. I reminded myself that Opal had just lost a son and that no one was at their best during mourning.

“This pregnancy was not intentional,” I said calmly. “And I am not giving Spencer any ultimatums or asking him for anything, but I will not hide it from him either.”

“How much?” she asked.

I hoped she wasn’t saying what I thought she was saying. “I’m sorry. What do you mean?”

“How much to make this go away?” Opal’s eyes narrowed. “From the moment I learned of you, I knew it would come to this, eventually. We’ve just arrived at this point sooner than I expected.”

“You knew you would try to bribe me.” I made it a statement, not a question.

“I knew there was a possibility that he would want to keep you as his mistress after he married a proper bride, and that you might need some...incentive to return to your home.” Her eyes flickered to my stomach. “If he allows you to keep the child, make no mistake, he will not acknowledge it as his heir.”

For the first time since finding out I was pregnant, I felt sick. “He doesn’t have to allow me to do anything. It’s my choice.”

“He can’t force you,” she agreed. “But there are ways to convince someone to do what’s right.”

“Excuse me if I don’t take advice on ‘what’s right’ from someone who’s trying to pay off their grandson’s pregnant girlfriend,” I said through gritted teeth, my hold on my temper slipping with each word that came out of her mouth.

“Let’s speak plainly,” she said.

I had trouble thinking of something that could be plainer than what she’d already said.

“My grandson has known from childhood that he would one day take his father’s place as baron. He knows his duties, and anything that has caught his fancy in the past has only been a mere distraction,” said Opal, her eyes as cold as her voice. “That includes you, Miss McCrae.”

Her words stung, but I could still picture the relief on Spencer’s face when I said I’d stay longer. I could still feel the way he clung to my hand and the effort he made to get to know my cousins. Those were all proof that he didn’t see me the same way his grandmother did, weren’t they?

“Spencer is kind,” Opal continued. “Perhaps too kind. We all know you will never fit into his life, not now. His place is here, with his family. His future is with a woman of impeccable breeding and character, not with some American actress who uses her feminine wiles to acquire her parts.”

I was still trying to process the insult about my “impeccable breeding and character” when I registered the implications of the phrase “feminine wiles.” “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“Sex,” Opal said bluntly. “I’m speaking of your reputation as someone who will do whatever it takes to get what you want. I have no doubt your past success inspired you to seduce my grandson.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, feeling a sinking feeling in my stomach.

“I hired a private investigator in New York City,” she said, her eyes shining with triumph. “He met with a few people who had interesting things to say about you, specifically Jerry Niyaz and Russ Heyworth.”

“And what, exactly, did they have to say about me?” I asked.

“Enough for me to demand a paternity test if you choose to continue the pregnancy and name Spencer as the father,” she said.

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but Opal continued speaking.

“Know this. If you persist in this, the York name will not be the only one dragged through the mud. I will instruct my investigator to delve deeper into you and your family. I know you took Spencer to a sex club, and I’m sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

Panic washed over me as I realized the damage Opal could inflict upon Spencer and me if she dug deeper into Show & Tell.

But Opal wasn’t finished yet. “I won’t stop with just you. I’ll target the entire McCrae clan. Your fashion designer brother and his girlfriend, who’s a member of a cult. Your musician sister, who’s recently stirred up a scandal. I’ll uncover every hidden thing, every hint of impropriety, and I’ll make sure it makes front-page news.”

All the fight left me. I couldn’t keep pretending that everything was going to work out, even if Spencer wanted it to. If I had been the only one at risk, I might have used my considerable resources to push back. I knew that Maggie and Carson would have told me they could protect themselves, but they had already been through so much. And I doubted Opal would stop at just my siblings in New York. There were kids to consider, not just adults.