Maggie raised an eyebrow. “I know enough that I need a compelling reason to give you her location.”

“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but my grandmother doesn’t speak for me,” I said. “Please, I need to talk to London face-to-face.”

Maggie let out a sigh. “Listen, I hope you showing up here means you’re really into London, but if you’re not ready to fully commit, it’s best you head back to England.”

“I’m not leaving her unless she asks me to,” I replied.

Maggie’s expression relaxed a bit. “Good.”

The tension in my chest dissipated as I realized she was going to help me.

“London’s back home in California,” Maggie informed me. “She went straight to our parents. She only called me because I’m watching over her place while she’s away.”

I hadn’t even considered that option. The thought that I had hurt her so much that she had fled to the opposite coast was devastating.

“I’ll give Mom a heads up that you’re coming,” Maggie offered. “Cause trust me, you won’t get past her and Dad otherwise.”

“Thanks,” I said, grateful for her help.

Maggie gave a nod as she rummaged through a drawer for a pen and paper. She focused on her writing as she spoke to me again. “Just so you know, if you hurt my little sister, I’ll make sure you regret it. Are we clear?”

“Crystal clear,” I responded, taking the paper from her. “I promise, Maggie, I’ll do everything in my power to make things right.”

“I hope it’ll be enough,” she said, looking up at me.

I met her gaze. “Me too.”



Comfy purple hedgehog pajamas?Check.

Gran’s homemade quilt? Check.

A quart of mint chocolate chip ice cream? Check.

A bun in the oven? I placed my hand on my still-flat belly. Yes, check.

My phone buzzed and my heart raced with nerves as I picked it up. I was relieved to see that it wasn’t Spencer, but I still felt a pang of disappointment. I had to remind myself that I was the one who had left without a word, so I had no right to be upset that he wasn’t trying to reach out.

The message was from Mercedes.

“Hey, just checking in to see if you’ve figured out when you’re coming back. Tomma is driving me up the wall, claiming she should’ve been the lead from the get-go. She keeps saying that you only got the role because you were sleeping with the producer, but I told her good luck going on stage with a black eye.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. I had been pondering work, but in a hazy sort of manner. I needed to process the fact that I was pregnant and deal with the situation with Spencer before I could decide about the show.

I had set myself a schedule: wallow today, sort out the baby and dad stuff tomorrow, have a plan for work by Saturday night.

I didn’t share all of this with Mercedes, however.

“A few things have come up, but I’m aiming to be back in New York by the weekend. As for the show, I’m not sure what’s going to happen. And before you ask, no, Spencer’s not being a jerk. Thanks for having my back, but please don’t do anything illegal. I don’t think Gin and Rocio could scrape together enough cash for bail.”

I hit send and turned my attention back to the TV. A few minutes later, my phone rang again.

It was still Mercedes. “Why does it feel like you’re keeping something from me?”

I rubbed my forehead as I pondered my potential responses. I didn’t want to lie to her, but I couldn’t spill the beans, not when I hadn’t even talked to Spencer yet.