“Convenient.” Theresa’s smile was tight.

“Mom,” London said, mortification in her voice. “If you must know, Gin and Rocio auditioned, too, and didn’t get parts. Besides, Spencer would never give someone a job to impress me.”

“And from what I know of your daughter, that sort of thing wouldn’t ingratiate me to her at all,” I pointed out.

“But she is technically your employee, is she not?” Patrick asked.

“Spencer and I met before I auditioned for him,” London said. “We had no idea we’d see each other again.”

“The choice wasn’t mine alone, either,” I added. “The director and the lead male both wanted London for the part, too.”

“And is she an investor in your show as well?” Patrick asked.

“Da!” London’s face was bright red.

“You can’t be too careful,” Theresa said.

“Mom, Da, I’ve checked him out,” Carson cut in before London had to respond.

“You did what?” London turned on her brother.

“I checked him out,” Carson repeated. “He gave me permission.”

Everyone looked at me, and I shrugged. “I have nothing to hide.”

That wasn’t entirely true, considering I hadn’t yet told London about my family’s insistence that I marry a particular type of woman, but her family wasn’t worried about that. They wanted to ensure I didn’t have a wife, or I was after London’s money.

“No skeletons in the closet,” Carson said. “He’s a good guy.”

Patrick gave me a searching look. “I’ll trust my boy, but if you hurt my daughter, I guarantee you they’ll never find your body.”


“Understood,” I said.

As Patrick and Theresa turned their attention to their daughter’s performance, I went to Carson.

“Thank you.”

“I meant what I said.” He shrugged. “You’re a good guy.”

I was grateful for Carson’s support. Now, I only hoped I could be the man he and London believed me to be.

When I spotted Stan entering the room, I took London to the side. “I’ll see you in a bit, darling,” I said, giving her a mischievous smile. “I’ve got to have a quick word with Stan.”

With a hint of excitement in her voice, she whispered back, “Don’t be too long. I’ve got something special planned for us later.”

I nodded eagerly, feeling the anticipation building within me. I excused myself from London’s family and made my way over to Stan, who was deep in conversation with a beautiful couple.

“Ah, Stan, what have you got there?” I said, trying to play it cool.

“Spencer, may I introduce Gavin and Carrie Manning, the owners of the most exclusive nightclubs in town,” Stan said, turning to me.

My curiosity was piqued. “That’s quite an accomplishment in one of the biggest entertainment capitals in the world. Do tell, what’s the secret to your success?”

Gavin chuckled, handing me a sleek black card with golden lettering. “We simply provide a safe place for people to enjoy the best of what life has to offer with no judgment. Please join us next week for the private opening of our latest club, Show and Tell.”

I couldn’t resist a smile as I took the invitation. “Show and Tell, what a clever name.”