“That’s impossible,” Grandmother said, her tone skeptical. “We would have heard about something like that.”

“Not if the Wellingtons paid everyone involved to keep quiet,” Anne countered, her tone matter-of-fact.

“Then how do you know?” Gabriella asked, her tone one of curiosity.

“I saw them together,” Anne said. “It wasn’t my secret to share, but now the situation has changed. I wouldn’t want our family to be involved in an arrangement that could lead to embarrassment.”

Grandmother’s lips formed a tight line, as if she’d tasted something unpleasant. “Alright. I’ll inform the Wellingtons that Spencer won’t be meeting with their daughter, as he’ll be out of the country.”

Grandmother’s disappointment was as clear as a bell. Of course, she wouldn’t breathe a word of the scandal to anyone, not even to the Wellingtons. It was all about maintaining appearances, and heaven forbid anyone found out that she had made a mistake due to not having all the facts. The thought made me quietly amused, but I kept a straight face, not wanting to make the situation worse.

“When you return home, Spencer, I will arrange a more suitable match for you,” Grandmother said firmly. “I expect you to show her the proper respect and attention.”

I simply nodded and gave my sister a grateful look. Grandmother hadn’t given up, but I’d at least been given a reprieve.

Sometimes, I hated my life. The burden of upholding the York family’s reputation and legacy was overwhelming, but the idea of marrying someone I didn’t love just for the sake of tradition and reputation was unbearable to me.



I was boiling with anger,my mind filled with thoughts of all the creative ways I could get revenge on Mercedes for setting me up on a date with the most disgusting man I had ever met.

Howie Durtz, who worked in A&R at Manhattan Records, was her brilliant idea to end my dating drought. On the surface, he was undeniably attractive, with his golden hair and dark, intriguing eyes. He even had the connections to get us into one of the city’s most elite clubs. But as soon as he spoke, it became clear that his good looks were the only impressive thing about him. His immaturity and arrogance were palpable, and I failed to understand how Mercedes could have spent time with him without realizing his true nature.

“…then I told him that if he had been more of a man, his wife wouldn’t have begged me all night to bang her.” Howie laughed, an obnoxious bray, from across the small cocktail table. He downed his fourth shot of tequila and barely stifled a belch.

“Do you always talk about sex with other women on a date?” I kept my tone calm, but my crossed arms and lack of a smile should have given him a sign of my mood.

“Oh, come on,” Howie said. “It’s not like I fucked her. The woman was a dog.”

“You’re kinda missing the point.” I unfolded my arms long enough to snag my margarita and take a drink.

“It was just a fucking story. Geez.” Howie shook his head. “Lighten up.”

I was still trying to figure out how in the world to respond tothoseparticular statements when he excused himself for the second time this evening. As soon as he was out of sight, I pulled my phone out of my purse and furiously typed a message to Mercedes.

Don’t tell me you didn’t know the guy’s a dick?

I was livid as I thought about the massive jerk she had set me up with. A patronizing douche who had no qualms about bragging about his conquests. There were so many better things I could have been doing on my Saturday night, like seeing a show at one of the off-Broadway theaters and making new contacts. With only a few weeks left until Christmas, I wanted to audition as much as possible. Networking was the key to finding new casting opportunities.

My phone chimed with a message from Mercedes.

He’s hot. And well-endowed, I’ve heard.

My anger rose again. I scowled at my phone and typed out a response:

He’s obnoxious and a loser.

I hit send and waited for her reply. Three dots appeared on my screen, and then her message came through.

He fucks like a champ.

I couldn’t believe the audacity of my friend, and I muttered “What the hell?” under my breath. I typed out another message,

You had sex with him, and I’m supposed to be sloppy seconds? I don’t even want to know the answer to that.

I added a glaring emoticon before sending the message.