The memories of our night together came back to me, but I quickly pushed them aside. Although it had been a thrilling experience, I realized in hindsight that it had also been a mistake. But how could I have known we would work together one day?

“What happened, happened,” I told myself as I dismissed any more thoughts of my night with Spencer. Now was the time to focus on the present and my performance in the show.

A few hours later, Mercedes sauntered over to me with a playful grin on her face. “Wow, London! That duet with Timothy was hot! Still denying his good looks and stage presence?” she said, teasing me.

It was impossible not to roll my eyes and laugh at her comment. “Mercedes, please. I’m a professional. I can separate my personal feelings from my work.”

“Sure you can,” she said with a smirk. “But I’m not blind. I saw the chemistry between you two. And let’s be real, he is pretty easy on the eyes.”

I laughed along with her, the relief and excitement of the successful rehearsal still coursing through my veins. “I’ll admit, he’s not half bad,” I said with a smile. “But I’m done talking about Timothy. Let’s focus on the show.”

Mercedes grinned and nodded in agreement, “Of course, but let’s not pretend like you didn’t enjoy that duet just as much as I did.”

She was right, of course. But I had the sense that with both Spencer and Timothy vying for my attention, the future was set for an intense and thrilling ride, both on and off the stage.



As a young boy,the sight of Christmas decorations in the city captivated me. The houses with the most impressive lights held a special appeal to me, and I often wondered why our own home didn’t have similar decorations.

In a moment of youthful excitement, I suggested to my grandmother that we follow the trend and decorate our home as well. However, my suggestion was met with a stern lecture on how the Yorks were not common people, and therefore, should not engage in common practices such as decorating one’s house.

However, these days, our home was beautifully decorated with all sorts of adornments. As I approached the front door, I admired the hard work put in by our staff. But despite their best efforts, something was missing - the decorations lacked warmth and charm.

Inside, the evergreen wreaths and boughs were artificial, and the pinecones and holly berries were equally fake. The cinnamon and pine scents that filled the house resulted from carefully placed essential oils, lacking the comfort of the real thing.

The Christmas tree was also an artificial creation, and while it looked realistic enough to fool the untrained eye, it was too perfect to be touched. Each ornament was flawless, and every placement was impeccable. Despite its beauty, the tree lacked the charm and warmth that one would expect from a real Christmas tree.

As I approached the front door, it opened before I could even reach it, and I stepped inside.

“Merry Christmas, Benedict,” I greeted our butler politely, wiping my feet on the rug. The rain had left a mess outside, including on my shoes.

“Merry Christmas, Sir,” Benedict replied, his formal greeting meant for all of tonight’s guests. I knew that many of them would ignore him, but Benedict was always unfazed by it.

Benedict and his family had served the Yorks for generations, but I knew very little about him. I once tried to ask him about his family, but the look he gave me was so intimidating that I never dared to ask again. Even now, I still felt nervous around him.

I straightened my tuxedo jacket and headed for the sitting room where the rest of my family had assembled. I was the last to arrive, but I had still managed to beat the other guests, which would hopefully appease my grandmother. However, I knew she would inevitably find something to criticize, such as my hair being overdue for a cut.

“There you are,” my grandmother greeted me as I entered the room, her tone stern. “I almost thought you missed your flight.”

“Ah, but you know me, Grandmother,” I replied with a charming smile. “I couldn’t miss the opportunity to bask in your delightful company for a whole evening.”

She gave me a small, tight-lipped smile in response. “Do make sure you freshen up before the other guests arrive. I wouldn’t want them to think we don’t know how to groom ourselves.”

I chuckled lightly. “I’ll make sure to put in extra effort for your sake, dear Grandmother,” I said, and turned my attention to my younger sister. “Gabriella, my dear sister, always looking lovely as ever. Though perhaps a quick touch-up before Grandmother catches sight of that stray lock?”

Gabriella shot me a glare, but I could see the hint of amusement in her eyes. “Thanks for the tip, dear brother. And don’t worry, I’ll keep my language ladylike for the evening.” The sarcasm in her voice made me chuckle, but my amusement was short-lived as Grandmother’s stern voice interrupted us.

“Gabriella, I expect you to conduct yourself with decorum this evening. We are not commoners to be throwing around coarse language.”

“Of course, Grandmother,” Gabriella replied, her tone respectful but with a hint of rebellion in her eyes.

As I made my way to freshen up, a sense of dismay creeped up on me. The evening promised to be filled with stilted conversation, forced smiles and thinly veiled criticisms. But I reminded myself, as always, that this was the life I was born into. And I was a York, after all. We knew how to put on a good show.

Upstairs, I found myself in my childhood room, and memories flooded my mind. The room was filled with my old belongings from my teens, from the worn books on the bookshelves to the posters on the walls. Now, my room seemed smaller than I remembered, but the cozy atmosphere brought back a sense of comfort. I recalled my grandmother back then. She seemed kinder, and our relationship wasn’t as strained as it was now. I sighed and ran my hand over the spines of the many classic tales. While other kids had been playing football in the yards, I had escaped into grand stories of kingdoms, desires, and betrayals. Why couldn’t we go back to those simpler times?

Ten minutes later, I was back downstairs and mingling with the guests as they arrived. Benedict made the usual formal announcements, and familiar faces and forced smiles filled the room.