However, I suspected Grandmother had added a few unexpected names to my parents’ guest list. And I confirmed it when she introduced me to several adult daughters and their parents. One after another.
“Spencer, I would like you to meet Lorinda Grenville. Her family has just moved down from Newcastle.” The young woman gave me a tentative smile that took her from plain to pretty in an instant, making me note her thick lashes and dark curls.
“Pleased to meet you, Lorinda,” I said, taking her hand and giving it a polite kiss, as I’d been taught. Grandmother would approve, I thought. “How are you finding London?”
But as I asked the question, my mind immediately went to another London, and I didn’t catch a single word Lorinda said in response. Fortunately, her parents called for her, and I could bid her farewell for the moment.
My relief was short-lived, however, as Grandmother appeared with another young woman in tow - a tall blonde with piercing eyes. Bloody hell.
“May I present my grandson, Spencer York,” she said, before introducing me to the woman, Bethanie Neville.
“Happy Christmas,” I said, brushing my lips across her knuckles in greeting. I wondered what London would make of the gesture - would it be charming or would it be met with rolled eyes?
“Your grandmother mentioned that you’ve only just arrived back in London after some time in America,” Bethanie said, drawing me out of my thoughts.
“Yes, I was over there for business,” I replied.
“Let’s not have any of that,” Grandmother said firmly. “No business discussion during the party.”
“Understood, Grandmother,” I replied, trying to appease her before she could decide whether to believe me. Just then, Benedict announced another family, and Grandmother excused herself. As was often the case at family gatherings, she seemed to take control of the party, despite my parents being the hosts.
I winced at the thought of what Grandmother would do if I ever were to get married. She had taken control of my sister Fleur’s wedding, and I knew unless I chose a bride of higher status, she would treat my partner with the same disdain she showed my mother- and brother-in-law.
The thought of London facing off against my grandmother crossed my mind. Based on the strength I had seen in her, she might just be able to stand her ground.
“Well, if we’re not allowed to discuss work, what shall we talk about?” Bethanie asked, a hint of playfulness in her tone. She leaned closer and lowered her voice. “To be honest, I already know about your work in theater. I’m more interested in getting to know the man behind the fame.”
If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that Bethanie was fed the line to flatter me. “May I ask you a question?” I said.
She looked surprised, but nodded. “What, exactly, did my grandmother tell you about me?” I asked.
Bethanie glanced over to where Grandmother was engaged in conversation with a viscount and viscountess. “Nothing directly,” she said. “You know how these things go.”
“I do,” I agreed, my suspicions about her being fed information about me only growing stronger. Grandmother’s attempts at matchmaking were common knowledge, but they were never openly discussed. Negotiations were hinted at, but never candidly addressed, as that would be considered uncouth.
“But, it’s been implied that you will soon take your place in the family’s affairs,” Bethanie said, her tone coy. “And that you’ll soon be looking for a proper wife.”
I let out a sigh. This wasn’t anything I hadn’t already suspected, but that didn’t make the prospect any more appealing to me.
“Are you’re hoping to become that wife?” I asked, getting straight to the point.
“I can’t say I wouldn’t like the idea,” she said with a suggestive look. “All the aspects of it.”
Once upon a time, that might have set my pulse racing, but at the moment, I felt nothing.
“And I’m open to a bit of a trial run, if you’re interested.”
I gave her a polite smile. “I’m afraid I’m not, but thank you for the offer.”
Her smile faltered. “I see. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I know of some other gentleman who might be interested in a bit of holiday fun.”
I nodded, silently wishing her the best of luck. I secretly hoped she might cause a bit of a scandal, anything to take Grandmother’s focus off of me.
As I heard my name being called, I put on my best “charming and debonair” smile. After all, as the heir to the York fortune, I knew my role to play at this party. I’d be expected to make small talk, charm the ladies, and be the life of the party. But it was tiring work with all the pretending. I mean, I’m only human, aren’t I?
Just as I was pondering a quick escape to the bar, Grandmother appeared with yet another “suitable” young lady. I sighed inwardly but put on my charming smile, bracing myself for another round of tedious small talk.
I had a plan, though. I would go along with this charade for the next few days, but then I would make a hasty exit back to New York City earlier than planned. There was a certain woman there who had captured my attention, and I preferred spending my time with her over these stuffy socialites. I just hoped she felt the same.