“Fine,” she sighed. “At least Spencer will believe you when you tell him what she said.”
“I will not tell him anything,” I stated firmly. “It will only make everything she’s saying look true and make the situation worse.”
“So, you’re just going to do nothing?” she asked.
I shook my head. “No, I’m going to do the only thing I can do.”
“What’s that?”
I replied determinedly, “Work my hardest and make it impossible for anyone to say that I don’t deserve this role.”
* * *
After yet anotherflawless performance on Saturday night, I was confident that my plan was working. No one who had seen the first week of shows could deny my talent and the reasons they had given me the lead.
However, that thought was soon dispelled when I turned to Timothy backstage and complimented his performance. “Great job tonight,” I said.
The look Timothy gave me was filled with disgust and scorn. He took a step forward, and I took a step back before I caught myself. “Someone has to uphold the integrity of this show,” he said. “The rest of the cast and crew shouldn’t have to suffer because the female lead got the role by using means other than talent.”
I was taken aback and responded, “I was good out there tonight. In fact, I’ve been giving my all from the first read-through.”
“That’s what makes it so sad, London,” Timothy said with a shake of his head, as if disappointed in me. “You could have done it the right way.”
Tomma chimed in from behind Timothy, “Maybe she could, maybe she couldn’t. I’m not saying she’s a bad actress, but I’ve auditioned against her often enough to know this isn’t the first role she’s earned with her body.”
I’ve had enough of Tomma’s accusations. “You should think twice before spreading that kind of vicious rumor. Not only does it show your complete lack of morals, but it also makes you look petty and jealous in the eyes of others.”
Tomma’s expression darkened as she glared at me. “What are you trying to imply about me?” she snarled. “I won’t stand for this kind of accusation.”
“I’m simply stating the facts, Tomma. And the fact is, spreading unfounded gossip only serves to harm others and reflects poorly on the speaker. So, think carefully before you open your mouth and start spouting off baseless rumors.”
“Is something wrong here?” Spencer’s voice stopped the conversation in its tracks.
Timothy tried to play it cool. “We were just talking about how well everything has been going.”
Spencer agreed. “Everyone has been performing admirably. It seems American audiences love the story as much as the British.”
An awkward silence followed, until Timothy said, “I’m going to change into my street clothes.” Tomma followed him without a word, leaving only Spencer and me.
“Will you please tell me what was going on here?” Spencer asked. “And don’t tell me everything’s fine,” he said, taking my hand. “You’re upset.”
I sighed. “People here think that I slept with you to get my part.”
Spencer’s expression grew serious. “That’s nonsense.”
“We know that, and those who know me do too, but everyone else...” I shrugged. “The gossip mill is working overtime, and some cast members are fanning the flames.”
“Give me names,” Spencer demanded. “Tomorrow will be their last show, and on Monday I’ll find replacements.”
I shook my head. “You’d have to replace everyone except Vix and Mercedes. Not everyone is openly talking about it, but I know most of the cast is gossiping behind my back.”
Spencer figured it out. “Timothy and Tomma are behind it, aren’t they?” he asked. “I won’t fire them, but I’ll talk to them.”
“By ‘talk’ you mean ‘threaten,’” I said with a sigh. “No. That’ll just make things worse.”
Spencer was determined. “I won’t stand idly by and watch this happen,” he declared. “Let me be your knight in shining armor.”
“I appreciate the sentiment,” I replied with a smile. “But you know as well as I do that if I run to you every time someone says something mean, it’ll look like I can’t handle the industry on my own. And with your family watching your every move, you don’t need any rumors of nepotism floating around.”