Once upon a time, there was a princess.
She wasn’t a real princess, but her parents treated her like one because they loved her so much. She grew up poor, but you wouldn’t know it by the way they showered her with love and affection. When she became a woman, she wanted to spend her life helping others. And she always dreamed that one day, she’d meet a prince. Not to sweep her off her feet and take her away, but to complement the life she already loved.
But before that prince could arrive, a villain showed up instead.
He swept her off her feet, not with love but with threats.
He took her away, not to a castle but to a prison.
And he destroyed the wonderful life she’d built for herself.
But the princess saw that her villain had fears of his own. There was another devil much worse than him. Someone who would go to endless lengths to bring torment to her while she was still alive.
Somewhere along the line, the villain started to show that he might not be brute the princess thought he was.
And she started to fall for him.
And then hell came to her all on its own.
When the time came to hold onto her, he let her go.