Fated to the Phantom

I think I’m being haunted… and it’s all that weird book’s fault.

I’m a librarian. I love books.

But the one I found in the depository?

Yeah… there’s something off about that one—and not only because I had a hard time figuring out if I should shelve it under foreign, occult, fiction, or out of print selections.

I think… I think it’s following me.

Does that sound crazy? It might. With my anxiety ratcheting up to eleven after a recent rush of break-ins near my house, I’m more on guard than usual. But robbers usually steal stuff, right? They don’t snatch library books and plant them in the librarian’s home.

And yet, somehow, that’s where I find the book.

That’s not the only strange thing that’s happening to me. I get this feeling like I’m being followed, but when I look behind me, all I see are shadows. I swear I hear a voice calling to me, too…

Okay. Maybe I am going crazy, but when I finally discover that I’m being haunted by a towering shadow monster with horns and a mournful gaze, I decide it’s not so bad.

Especially when he finally finds a way to let me know that I’m his fated mate… and he’s mine.