It might have been a major pain in the ass to get that ashbalm flower, and I had to bite my lip not to curse out Duke Haures when he offered to use it to break our bond or freak the fuck out when he set it on fire… but I don’t regret my trip into the shadows now that it has solidified the bond between Sammael and me.

I don’t regret it, not one bit.



Iknow that this is just the beginning for Sammael and me, but as he waves his big hand, creating another one of those shadow portals like Shannon’s mate and then Loki did, I get the feeling that this… this is also the happy ending I never thought I’d ever have.

I mean, there’s so much we need to discuss. I want to ask him about my name on his chest and why it changed the way it did. Duke Haures mentioned that our bond is solid now—unbreakable—and I want to know why it wasn’t before.

When it comes to forever with Sammael, what doesthatmean?

I still have the download of who he is in my brain. I pushed it aside before because it wasn’t so easy to tap into, but now that the ashbalm flower basically bolstered our bond, the answers are coming a lot easier.

Either that, or this is just me accepting for once and for all that I have claimed him as mine…

It doesn’t matter. Through our bond, I know that, when he thinks of forever, he sees my face. That’s all he wants. He wants an eternity with Hope as his immortal mate, and with Duke Haures’s blessing to head back to Westfield, it looks like that’s what he’s going to get.

But even though I can pick answers out of the essence of who my demon mate is, that doesn’t mean that I haveallthe answers. Right now, I have a million questions—but even they can wait since the one thing I want to do is ride Sammael like he’s a freaking stallion.

We have forever, right? The rest can wait.

Just before he leads me through his portal, my mate’s nostrils flare. Gazing down at me, his breath shudders out, and I remember the way he told me how delicious I smelled. He hadn’t been talking about my body splash or my deodorant, either, and when he starts to rumble deep in his chest as he inhales again, I know he’s not now.

His hand is a heated brand at the small of my back.

“Come, my mate,” he says, the promise of all the pleasure that was cut short when the demon soldier interrupted us evident in his throaty voice. “Let us return to your home.”

I circle his palm with my thumb, grinning cheekily up at him. “You meanourhome, don’t you?”

His body tightens. He’s still in his solid form with the shadow-looking leathers covering his bottom half, but I’m sure if I slip my hand out of his and lay mine on his crotch, I’d find one hell of an impressive cock pushing against his shadowy clothes.

All the more reason to yank on his hand and drag him through the portal… which is exactly what I do.

I know I can only pull the seven-foot-tall demon behind me because Sammael allowed me to. I don’t care. With his love and lust and desire for me rushing through our bond, with mine for him crashing into his, I can’t wait to return home with my new mate.

I’m not sure exactly where I expected Sammael’s portal to take us, but I’m glad when my ash-covered shoe steps down on a familiar carpet. He brought us right back to my living room, and I’m so glad to see my house that, for a moment, I don’t notice the state it’s in for a few seconds.

It’s the door that catches my attention first. It’s open. Not all the way, but there’s a crack that let in the brisk autumn breeze.

Compared to Sombra, my house feels like an icebox. And though the wind had obviously seeped indoors, unless this was another Superstorm Sandy, there’s no reason my house should look as ransacked as it does.

Drawers are pulled out, doors to a few of my cabinets visibly open. One of my dining room chairs is on its side. A couple of sheafs of papers are scattered all over the floor. The horseshoe I kept posted over my front door is gone. So is the umbrella I keep hooked on the rack next to my keys.

And that’s all I notice at first glance.

Sammael follows through the portal, landing right behind me. He hesitates for a moment, then asks softly, “Oh, my mate… what happened?”

I know the answer to that. “My house was hit. While we were in Sombra, I guess I was just another one who got broken into.”

Sammael wraps his arms around my shoulders, spinning me around before tugging me close. His chin is nestled on the top of my hair. I probably smell like a mix of sulfur and dirt and who knows what else, but he doesn’t say anything except, “I am so sorry.”

I brace my hands on his sides. “Don’t be, Sam.”

I… I don’t know why I called him that. It just slipped out, but the moment it does? It feels… it feelsright. Like I thought of him as ‘Sammael’ when he was the demon I summoned straight out of my dreams. Now that’s he real… now that I get to keephim… he’s my ‘Sam’.

Maybe he didn’t notice. He’s pretty distracted so maybe he missed me slip—and then I hear him rumbling deep in his chest again.