He leads me to the bed. I’m more than willing to join him. I mean, I wouldn’t say no to a shower right now—and I’m already thinking about how shower sex will blow my up-until-recently virgin’s mind—but maybe a quickie to reinforce our bond is just what we need first.

However, right as I’m about to start slipping off my ash-coated jeans, my gaze happens to glance at my nightstand—and I immediately still.

Sam notices. “Hope? My mate?”

I point. “It’s gone.”

“Gone?” he echoes. “What’s gone?”

“The book.” It was on my nightstand. When I was getting ready to leave, grabbing everything I thought I might need, I plopped it down on my nightstand… then promptly left it behind. I remember that vividly—but it’s not there now. “The grimoire. It’s gone.”

I’m crushed. Normally, I’d second guess myself, thinking I misplaced it. But after the obvious proof that I’d been burgled while I was in Sombra… it only makes sense that the same person who broke into my house stole the book.

I’m crushed—but my mate isn’t.

“It was bound to happen,” Sam says sagely.


I could deal with the fake horseshoe tchotchke going missing, and for all I know, I left my umbrella at the library one rainy day and simply forgot about it. But the book… if it wasn’t for that book, I never would have summoned Sam to me. Shannon seemed surprised that I’d left it back at my house instead of bringing it with me to Turn the Page. I hadn’t meant to; I’d simply forgotten to grab it.

And now it’sgone.

Sam plops down on the edge of my bed, pulling me onto his lap. I rest my head against his chest, looking at theHin my name as he trails his claws through my hair again.

“That’s how the magic in the book works, my mate. No matter where it went or who took it, it will find its way to the next human destined for a Sombra demon.”

“Like it did for us?”

He nods. “Yes.”

I shift in his hold. I thought I felt something beneath me when he pulled me onto his lap. Moving just so, I’m sure of it—and, suddenly, I’m not thinking about that book any longer, am I?

And when I turn so that I’m straddling Sam, watching my name rise and fall as his breathing picks up as I shove him on theOand theP,pushing him so that he’s on his back and I’m onhim…I don’t think he’s worrying about theGrimoire du Sombraanymore, either.

* * *

Meanwhile,somewhere in Central New Jersey…

He was almost done. The compulsion he’d been struggling to fight against for the past few weeks was beginning to ease up now that he had the old book in his hand, and once he sent it away, all of these midnight break-ins would finally end.

He found what he was looking for. The whisper inside of his head told him that he’d done well, and once he helped the charmed book toward its next destination, he would be rewarded.

Peace was all he was after.

He’d hoped the horseshoe would give him a little. Just like he pocketed other good luck trinkets during each of his searches, he’d removed the iron horseshoe from its post over the librarian’s door before starting on the first floor.

Then again, maybe itdiddo something to help him achieve some peace. After all, it was the librarian’s bedroom that held the book.

And now he had it—but he wouldn’t for long.

The elderly woman standing behind the counter was smiling at him. Remembering himself, he forced his lips into something more like a grimace, but she didn’t seem to mind.

“Got a package to send out?” she asked.

He nodded. Yes. And maybe once it was finally gone, he’d sleep without seeing those glowing green eyes glaring back at him.

Please, he thought.Please let this be the one…