She was sitting on the couch where I left her, though her mood seemed much improved than when I left her a few moments ago. Now, with the smoking mug in her hand, I sense a rush of affection and humor coming down our bond to me.

My chest puffs up in pride. I knew I could show my mate how good of a male I can be to her!

I know why she drinks this. It is like javits, a brewed beverage from my world that provides energy and stamina to those who partake in it. It makes her happy.

I want to, as well.

“For you,” I say, holding the mug out to her still. “Your boiled leaves. The ones you like to drink sometimes.”

She finally takes the mug, easing it out of my grip. Peeking inside, she says, “Heavy on the leaves, huh?”

I just did what she did. I grabbed a pinch between my claws and dropped it into her cup. “Did I use too many?”

“No,” she lies. To save my pride, she fibs. And I know that it is a fib because her tiny nose wrinkles up as she sniffs her cup, then leans forward to place the mug on her even tinier table. “Thanks.”

I sink down so that I’m on her level. “How are you feeling, Hope? And, please, be honest with me.”

I don’t mean to call her out on her fib, but as much as I appreciate my Hope trying to spare my feelings, I would prefer our mating did not start out with my mate lying no matter her reason.

She can tell. From her side of the bond, my earnestness reaches her.

She nods. “Better,” she says at last. “A little shocked before, but when you gave me a couple of minutes to sit her, sifting through your memories… I think I’m beginning to understand what’s going on. You…” She shifts so that we’re looking at each other. Her finger landed on my shoulder. “You’re real, Sammael.”

Just one fleeting touch is enough to have me ready to spill my seed. I’ve waited nine centuries to claim my mate, and for the first time since I’ve found her in my Hope, I am whole, she is aware of me, and our unfulfilled mating promises are already pushing me to find my way inside of her.

I must control myself. If I could make it nine centuries before mating, I can give Hope as much time as she needs to either accept me—or deny me. As long as it’s before the gold moon, that is…

She’s watching me closely, as though she could look right past my eyes and see into my heart.

“So… I really am your mate, huh?”

“Yes. And, one day soon, I hope you’ll be my bonded mate.”

“What’s the difference?” Then, before I can answer, she says, “Look. I know you told me that touching you would give me all the answers, but you didn’t mention it would be like this download about you right into my brain. It’s too much—especially the part where you seem convinced that we’re these fated partners who are meant for each other. How… how is that even possible?”

“It’s part of being demonkind,” I explain. “You gave me your essence. After I give you mine, we are tied together.”

“Like soul mates?”

I think about that for a moment. Hope understands the concept of ‘essence’ as similar to a human ‘soul’. In that case… “Yes.”

She nods. “Okay. I think I got you so far. And that whole thing the other day… that mate sickness that made me feel like I needed to hump anyone? That’s because I’m really supposed to be humping you?”

Hope has such an odd way of putting things. Eventually, it’ll be easier for us to understand each other. As her grasp of Sombra becomes more instinctive, and I learn more of her human tongue, the translations will be more exact. For now, I think about what she’s saying for a moment before—

“Are you asking me if the gods have decided that you are the only female I will ever pleasure?”

The heights of her pale cheeks turn red. It’s not as vivid as a Sombra demon’s tone, but it makes her even impossibly more alluring to me. “Yeah. I guess I am.”

“Then, yes. It’s how demons are made. We are given heightened senses. Strength. An immortal existence. However, we only have one true mate. If we choose to forsake her, taking another, and then we find her… we only have one true mate, but we can only bond one mate to us. If I gave my essence to another, I would not have any for you. So I waited… and whether you accept me or not, you are the only female I will ever be allowed to pleasure. And now that I found you, know this: even if I could choose another, I wouldn’t. You are perfect for me, and I will strive to be perfect foryou.”

Hope is watching me closely, trying to read my face, making sure I’m being honest now.

I am. With her, I always will be.

She taps her fingers against her thigh. “So… and I’m just making sure I understand this… but you can’t, like,cheator anything? No divorce. No separation. You’re immortal… what about me?”

“When we are bonded, you shall be immortal, too. A demon’s mate is forever, my beloved. If you choose me…wewill be forever.”