I’d blame the movie for Sammael’s innate insistence on making me his forever mate after haunting me all these months… but I can’t. His essence assures me that he’s considered mehisfrom the moment he read theverus amorspell himself and forged a tie between us that led him to haunting me for months.

The funny thing is, if he learned anything frommyessence, it’s that the one thing that tempts my anxious, scattered brain more than anything is stability.

It’s why I eat the same foods. Watch the same movies constantly. Have the same job, walk the same path, and get the same order for Dunkin’ when I can afford it.

Forever with the same guy who adores me and will never grow tired of me because that’s now how his kind is wired?

Sign me the fuck up.

Besides, it’s not like I didn’t already let him touch me. I can try to tell myself that I thought I was dreaming all I wanted, that I’ve always been a vivid dreamer, but the moment he invited me to touch him—the way he screwed up his alien features just to say the wordplease—it was all too real.

The way his eyes plead with me to mean what I’m so clearly offering him now… that’s real, too.

I hold out my hand. Sammael places his in mine, instinctively trusting me.

He’s twice my size. He has claws and fangs, horns and pointed ears, and a body that could do real damage if he wanted to. But he doesn’t… I mean, he wants to use his gorgeous bodyonme,withme, but he will never, ever purposely hurt me.

And that’s all I need to know.

I tug on his arm. I could never lead him anywhere he doesn’t want to go, and I can sense his big body humming as I lead him out of the living room and up the stairs.

Thanks to the way he seemed to download his entire life story straight into my brain—plus the part of his speech that already cemented my idea that we would be doing thisnow—I already instinctively know the answer to my question. But because it’s important to me that I hear it for myself, to make sure he knows exactly where this is leading to, I ask, “Have you ever done this before? Mated?”

“I waited for my mate, Hope. I waited foryou.”

I have a hard time getting a good grasp on exactly how old he is, but the fact that he measures his age incenturiesinstead ofyearstells me that my demon isn’t just otherworldly, he’s probably immortal; a moment later, the answer slides into my brain, assuring me that heisimmortal… and if I bang him, I will be, too.

Forget that last part for now. Sammael is close to being a thousand freaking years old… and he’s gone all that time without having sex because he was waiting forme?

Talk about pressure…

Not only that, but if he knows all about me the same way I do him, he has to be aware that I’m no virgin.

I pause just outside of my bedroom. “You that I—”

Sammael turns into me, cutting me off with one look.

“I am your mate as you are mine.” He lifts the hand I’m not holding, trailing the side of his shadowy claw down the edge of my jaw. “Not that human male’s. Not any other males, either.”

Translation: no more ‘dates’ with my co-worker.

I’m okay with that. I like Jake. He’s a sweet guy, and if I didn’t send him home the other night, I’m sure we would’ve had some fun.

Sammael, though… I’m pretty sure it’s going to be fun, but it’ll be more than that, too.

And I can’t wait.

The fact it doesn’t bother him that he’s not my first makes me even more ready to choose him. With another tug, I let him know that I’m done talking about that. That’s my past… my new demon mate will be my future.

Once I’ve led him into my bedroom—the first time he’s been inside with my express permission that isn’t him watching over me or freaking finding me in my dreams—I park him next to my bed before letting go of his hand.


“Give me a sec, okay?”

“Of course.”

Heading over to my dresser, I go rooting through my drawer, cursing under my breath.