“What is the matter, my Hope?”

“I thought I had some condoms in here,” I mutter.

When I was half-crazed with lust thanks to the mate sickness, and I really was thinking about working it out with Jake, I told myself there were probably condoms let in there from Corey. Sure, that was two years ago and they might be out of date, but I’m a stickler on protection and I haven’t been on birth control since we broke up.

Can demons and human mates even have kids?

Sammael moves next to me, so close I can feel the warmth of his skin. “Con-dom. Why do I get the image of some kind of covering for my cock?”

Damn, that’s sexy. The way he rumbled ‘cock’... if I wasn’t already turned on at just the thought of finally seeing what he has under his coverings, that would’ve done it.

Which is precisely why I need a condom.

“It is,” I say, distracted, searching through my drawer again as though one would suddenly appear. “Protection for both of us. I guess, since you’re immortal, you’re not worried about diseases or anything, but… look. I’m okay with being your mate. That doesn’t mean I want to get knocked up anytime soon.”

“You won’t.”

I want to trust him, but I’ve heard something like that before. “Okay, but I might still have one in here—”

“You misunderstand, my mate. I cannot get you with spawn unless we mate on the night of the gold moon.”

Wait… “Really?”

“Check my essence.”

I don’t really want to risk another headache when I have my heart set on climbing into bed with Sammael, but this is too important to just take his word on.

Oh. He’s right. The gold moon serves as the deadline for any mates to finalize that promise thing I made when I read the spell—which actually was a mating vow, so thanks to whoever thought it was a good idea to write ‘promise’ and not ‘you’re signing your life away here’—but after the initial claiming, if a pair of demon mates fuck on the night of the folden moon, they’re pregnant.

Fuck any other day, you’re fine. The gold moon?Boom. Babies.

No, thanks.

Good thing that tonight’s not the gold moon in Sombra, either. I really want to do this with him now, but not if I was going to get a baby out of it.

Since I don’t need a condom anymore, I shut the drawer, then reach down for the hem of my shirt, ready to remove it.

Sammael stops me by clearing his throat.

I glance over at him.

“Are you sure, my mate? Once bonded, there is no changing our minds. It’s forever.”


Geez, Sammael, do you have to sell this any harder? I’m already sold.

“Am I sure that I want to do this? Yeah. I’m pretty sure. You? You ready to do this?”

“More than you know,” he rumbles.

Good. I start to remove my shirt again, stopping along when Sammael lifts his hand up.

“Then allow me.”

Sammael waves his hand.

One second, I’m fully dressed. The next? I don’t have a stitch on me.