In the small village of Dark Moon, a mysterious beast haunts the woods, instilling fear and sparking rumors. Lillian, who lost her parents to this creature as a child, returns at eighteen, only to find herself in a troubling situation. After revealing her alpha abilities, the village alpha insists she mate with his son, despite the torment she has faced from him and his family.
As Lillian explores her connection to the cursed beast, she struggles with her destiny. Her grandmother offers guidance but cannot fully explain the risks. Pursuing the beast could endanger her grandmother’s safety, yet aligning with the alpha’s son feels wrong as well.
The beast, longing for his mate, believes Lillian might be the one. When she shifts into her wolf form, he realizes she is his fated mate. However, Lillian must choose between what she feels is her duty and what is her destiny.
Will she embrace her destiny with the beast, or succumb to what she thinks she has to do?
“Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Surely not I.”