"Anyway," she continues, "here is a book of spells. There is a spell for transportation, but since we're not sure of the realm, we can't use it yet."
"Well, this is a start," I say as I lean over the table to grab the book she offers. "At least we have this. I'm sure Corbin can figureout what realm Natalia sent him to. I’m guessing you couldn’t tell me about this sooner?"
When I eye her, she looks rather sheepish. Either she just remembered having it or it was one of those things she had to be led to because of the binding.
He throws his hands in the air in defeat. "Oh, there's about a thousand different realms. Should be simple, right?"
A thousand? He has to be joking.
Honestly, there is so much they are hiding that I’m no longer surprised. Next, they’ll tell me unicorns exist.
My wolf rises to the surface, my fingertips turning into razor-like claws as she begs to take over. "I hope you're joking with me."
He looks down at my hands and smirks. "Oh, the places I'd like those claws. I can see it now. Those will leave some lovely marks on my back.”
"Corbin," I growl out between clenched teeth. “Now is not the time to test me like this. They won’t go where you want them to.”
"Fine, I'm not joking with you. There are about a thousand realms. He could be in any of them and some aren't small. It won't be easy."
I slump into my chair, once again feeling defeated. Every time we make a step in the right direction, we're thrown several steps back. My hope is fading and I don't know how much longer I can hold on to it.
As I glance up at Corbin, he's staring at me again with this knowing look. We both know what is coming, and I'm dreading it.
My wolf will lose control again and I won't be able to be the lone alpha forever.
If we don't find the beast, I am doomed to be with Corbin.
The rest of the day is spent digging through books about the realms. Sadly, I'm not any closer to finding the beast by nightfall than I was this morning, and it's driving me insane.
My wolf rides me hard as I lie down for the night. I once again take the couch, while Corbin takes the small bed in the library. Space is what I need right now, and I can't think when he's right here hovering over me.
I hate to even admit that he might be right.
Eventually, I'll lose the fight, and he'll be to blame because he's the only one strong enough to be with me. The pull to take a mate will become irresistible as time goes on, taking over all of my senses and leaving me rabid until I fulfill my duty.
My plan to save the beast, and hope he claims me before Corbin can lay a finger on me, is all I have left. If I can hold on just a little longer.
My eyes grow heavy as darkness settles in fully and I drift off to sleep, only to be sucked into a dream.
"Where am I?" I whisper. The surrounding trees look nothing like home, and I feel lost.
As I scan the perimeter, I find a cottage that looks almost identical to my Grandmother's, but not exactly. It intrigues me enough to step closer.
My wolf jumps for joy as she threatens to shed my human form and take over, but I fight her back. Now is not the time to go rushing into this. It may not be safe.
The door bursts open, a large, hulking wolf stepping out and looking straight at me.
"Beast?" I ask.
The knowing look in his eyes says it's him and my heart pounds harder in my chest.
"Oh, my gosh, I found you. You're here, but where is here? How can I help you? I need to find you or Corbin is going to become my mate," I cry.
He cocks his head to the side, studying me. I watch as he moves slowly toward me, his eyes never leaving my face. Falling to my knees, he comes even closer, sniffing me even.
His snout rubs the back of my neck and stops at the base of my hair.
"My Lily, but how? How are you here?" he asks, his tone one of shock. "I've dreamed of this moment, but I didn't think it would come."