Page 53 of Red's Beast

Yes, I saved my grandmother’s life, but at my expense. Sure, I could have let them kill her, like she asked, so Corbin would die and I could become alpha, but I couldn’t live with myself if I had chosen that.

I’m not becoming alpha that way.

I make my way to the cottage without any issues, though I don’t pay attention to anything in the woods as I pass. Grandmother is already inside, in the kitchen. Her back is turned to me.

I leave her clothes on the dining room table and retreat to the bathroom to get supplies for her wounds. When I return, she’s moved to one of the wooden chairs at the table.

Her hair is a wreck and matted to her scalp. The wounds are crusted with dried blood. Everywhere I look, I find something else that I didn’t see before.

I lay everything down on the table and grab one of the cloths to dab at one larger wound that is uglier than the others.

"Why didn't you kill him? I've lived my life, child. You are young and have so much ahead of you."

I chuckle under my breath. “Here you are thinking of death and joining your mate, but I’m selfish. You are all I have. My parents are gone and the thought of losing you is enough to make me bend a knee.”

She reaches up and strokes my face with her fingertips. "Honey, you know what this means."

I try to fight back the tears threatening to spill. As I inhale sharply, I struggle to keep them from flowing down my cheeks again. “Yes, I know. I will be Corbin’s mate in one week and I have to bear his children. He will claim me for all to see. Yes, I’m well aware and don’t want to think what I’ve said I’ll do.”

Her hand reaches up to grip mine. “There is another way out of this.”

Her gaze drift down to my throat and lingers there.

“It doesn’t matter now. I have claimed that I will be his mate for the entire pack to hear, so I can’t get out of this. All the other options I may have had before that moment are gone.”

One brow raises. “Nothing is sealed in stone until he marks you and even then you could get out of it if he dies. Put Corbin in the dirt where he belongs.”

I bow my head and move my hand away from hers to clean up another wound. “How would I gain the respect of the pack?”

She chuckles low under her breath. “Do you think they will ever respect you? You are the granddaughter of the fallen alpha, my mate and husband. The only thing Nigel has taught them is to fear who is in charge. So, if you become alpha, you will have to make them fear you to get them to obey.”

I slowly take the cloth I’m using and walk over to the sink to rinse it as I consider her words. “I made a choice and saved you. They may not be honorable, but I’m the granddaughter of the previous alpha, who ruled with respect and integrity. I will deal with the consequences of my actions.”

Grandmother raises up from the chair and turns to look at me over the back. “You have another choice. I know you have been lying to me about those marks and not remembering. You know exactly who gave them to you and where you were. It’s him -”

Her words trail off as if she can’t dare say the words. My gaze narrows as I study her face. It’s like she is literally bound and gagged.

I want to ask questions, but shake my head as I dismiss them. It’s no use.

“It’s not like it can change. The pack heard my claim, so now I have to follow through.”

Grandmother eases out of the chair and comes to stand next to me at the sink, still naked and uncaring. “You are the mate to someone else. The beast. It’s plain to see. You should choose what makes you happy and forget the pack.”

“Choose? I have a duty to this pack to save them because this belonged to my grandfather, your mate. It’s rightfully ours. They deserve to be free and live in happiness. But they’re trapped by Corbin and his family. My fate is sealed.”

"That isn't what I meant, and you know it." She eyes me again as she runs her fingers through my hair. I'm enjoying the feeling, but my mind is a mess.

My eyes open wide as I realize what she said. "You just admitted the beast is real."

"I've known, yes, but that is all I can say. There are other things afoot that keep me from spilling the truth to you.”

"You denied it all these years. I believed I was crazy because of you and you knew he was real this entire time. Why?”

“There are things that can’t be said. This is one of them.” Grandmother grabs my face between her hands and plants a kiss on my forehead. “Remember these words if you don’t remember anything else. You must choose your own fate. It’s up to you to save them, and I mean all of them.”

“All of them? Do you mean the beast too? How can I save him and the pack? It’s not like I can back out of the ceremony and take him as my mate, if that is what you mean. That wouldn’t save the pack. Corbin would also come here and kill you. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do all of it.”

She smiles as she gently runs her fingers through my hair again. “I’m bound, so I can’t tell you what to do. All I can do is hope that you make the right choice, because that is what everyone is counting on. Now, how about we make some food? The shifting made me hungry.”