Page 102 of Red's Beast

He stomps his feet against the wooden floorboards as he comes out of his daze, drawing my attention there. His hooves are glowing.

“Grandmother, why are his hooves glowing?” I ask, my eyes widening as I take them in.

“Well, he is a descendant of Natalia’s and has witch blood.”

“You have magic, don’t you?” I glance up into his eyes, but he looks just as surprised as I feel. “But you’ve never been able to use it.”


Days have passed since Emmeline told me that Lillian was going through changes.

And I’ve asked about it nonstop since.

She just won’t tell me anything about it and acts like I said something else entirely. Then proceeds to speak with my parents and brother about the things she says I said. I am tiring of not being able to take my man form back and speak verbally.

She smiles at me as she hears my thoughts. "Oh, Lucian wondered if you would take him to your place. I believe he's tired of staying here every night."

That's not what I said and you know it, witch. Tell them what I'm actually saying instead of making stuff up. I might just really become the big bad wolf and eat you.

"Oh, beasty looks like he wants to have a good outing. Maybe a hike is in order to burn off all that extra energy he seems to have pinned up." She hands my mother the bag of treats and looks at me with a curious look. "Maybe he needs the fresh air."

What is happening to Lillian? Why won't you tell me? Is she hurt? Did Corbin get her, after all? What are you not telling me?

As my parents and brother leave, she kneels down in front of me and strokes my ears. "I'll see you soon. All your questions will be answered, but some things you're not ready to hear. She's safe, but she won't be the girl you remember by the time you two meet again."

What is that supposed to mean? This is ridiculous. Just tell me already.

"Oh, beasty, some things are not for me to tell. Go on with your family. I'm sure when you return, I'll have news for you."

A cawing sound distracts me. I turn to look up toward the window where it comes from and spy a black raven sitting onthe windowsill. Its black beady eyes look me over before it turns its gaze to Emmeline. Honestly, its reaction is too human-like, which makes me wonder what it is doing here.

"Go on, Lucian. Have fun."

I hear my family calling for me, but I'm hesitant to leave. My attention is drawn back to the raven as it hops on the windowsill, waiting for Emmeline. What is with that bird and does it have something to do with the news she is expecting?

I slowly leave, but my gaze never leaves the bird. Something about it just doesn't sit right with me, but after all I've been through, I should know. Nothing is ever as it seems.

When I cross the threshold, I hear Emmeline mutter, "Wait."

She strolls out slowly and leans down. "Dig into the past. Remember."

As she lets go of my head, I feel like I'm in a daze.What did you just do to me?

"You think the villagers are the only ones who were affected by my sister's spell?" She raises a brow, then closes the door softly between us.

These witches and their ramblings. What did she mean? Why can't they just mean what they say and tell me what I'm supposed to do? This is getting ridiculous. First, that twistedspell. Now, I'm stuck here and can't even get to my mate, who is probably suffering at the hands of Corbin. I don't even know what the changes are that she's going through.AHHHH!

My internal scream comes out as an awkward bark and I clamp my muzzle shut quickly before my parents and brother think something is wrong.

There is, but I don't want them to worry. Right now, they need peace.

I hear them call for me again, and when my gaze moves toward the trees, I see them there waiting for me on a small path between them.

Fine, I'll dig into the past and figure this out. What other choice do I have?

As I trot behind my family in the woods, my mind seems scrambled. I can't keep a consistent thought and feel like I'm slowly descending into madness.

What has Emmeline done with my mind?