She breaks out into laughter. “Yes, he is definitely playing with fire. We are all supposed to wait until we have our mating ceremony so we are not doomed to a life of misery. He is asking for it by tempting fate in such a manner.”
I laugh to myself and watch as she leans forward to grab things out of the basket. “At least he has no interest in me.”
Her eyes meet mine and her mouth pulls into a thin, tight line. “Keep it that way, my dear. You must keep your abilities hidden and not let them know that you are what you are. It’s bad enough they know you are the granddaughter of an alpha.”
I nod in understanding. The truth is, I’m an alpha by my family line and the rightful ruler of Dark Moon. Nigel’s family is fromsomewhere else and we’re not really sure how he even got here with the beast surrounding us at all times. He and his son’s eyes blaze orange, unlike the red hue of the alpha's Grandmother told me about. That is what Grandfather’s were.
When he won, everything changed. By the time I was born, they hoped my abilities never surfaced and thankfully they are hidden and I didn't shift. A hidden alpha is what she calls me. I have the strength of one and a powerful aura, but that is all.
I’m not too sure what I am, to be honest. How can you know what I am when I’ve never seen my wolf or shifted? The only thing I have is a mental connection to her, and she speaks to me at random.
I know she’s not completely gone, but she’s just as clueless as me as to why she can’t come out.
We finish the night eating our meal of baked chicken and vegetables before settling in for the night.
As soon as I’m tucked in bed in her other bedroom, I fall fast asleep, only for my dreams to greet me.
There, standing in front of Grandmother’s cottage, is a man. He is tall and lean with the biggest smile on his face. For a moment, I don’t know what to say, because I have never seen him before, or at least, not in reality.
It’s only here that I see him and, for some reason, his face is always shrouded in mist.
“Lily, come to me.”
I come closer, not worrying about who he is any longer or what he might do. His hand grabs mine and he’s so warm that I nearly melt. “What took you so long?”
“I’ve always been here waiting for you, Lily. You just need to find me.”
Before I know what is happening, he leans down and his lips meet mine in a passionate kiss. I tell myself that I should pull away, but I can’t find the will to do so. My body tells me that there is something between us, but I don’t know what.
Early the next morning, I collect my basket from the table and hastily put away the dishes that have been used the previous evening for dinner.
I try not to think of the steamy kiss or the other things that followed in the dream. It’s just a dream and I’m crazy for even allowing myself to enjoy it.
“Off so soon?” Grandmother calls out from her bedroom, where she has been since I woke up.
“Yes, I have to go to work. However, I will return as I do every night. Is there anything you'd love for dinner?” I grab hold of the basket, quickly making my way to her doorway before leaning my head inside her room. "You know I'll bring you anything you want. Well, I’ll try."
She scoffs dismissively. "I understand that, but I don't want you to overexert yourself. You work so hard as it is for that alpha and his son, along with the others. The brats. They apparently can’t clean for themselves like everyone else."
I roll my eyes. It’s not that I don’t agree, but there isn’t much I can do about it. At eighteen, six years ago, I had to move back into the village instead of staying with my grandmother, though they never gave me a reason for the move other than I needed to adjust to the pack members. It’s not fun, but I consider it my duty. If it keeps my grandmother safe, then it’s what I will continue to do. "Ah, yes. Corbin. It's okay, Grandmother, it's not so bad. It's his potential mate that is annoying. She is the one who makes it hard. I don’t know why she makes me the center of her torment, because I don’t want anything to do with the alpha’s son."
Grandmother slowly moves towards the side of the bed and swings her legs over the edge. “Are you still having challenges dealing with Ophelia? Hold on, let me get my slippers. I will show her what an alpha female can do."
She immediately notices what she has done and shakes her head while I suppress a quiet laugh. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ever said that. You are just as much an alpha as I am and could do it yourself if you just would. I know you have it in you somewhere, but that young woman makes me want to skin something alive."
“It’s okay, Grandmother. I understand that you had no intention of offending me and I am not in any way. If you have no other needs that I can help you with, then I will leave for work now.” I know she doesn’t mean it badly, but I feel small. That is the only word I can find to describe it.
Even my mother was an alpha before her passing. I’m just nothing. That is what it feels like.
She inhales deeply and lets out a long, heavy sigh. "No, that will be all. I'll be fine until you arrive tonight. Just don’t wear yourself out again.”
With a wave of my hand, I also give a small nod of my head. "I'll see you then. I love you."
"Oh, honey, I love you too."
My legs tremble as I make my way up to her front door to leave. Some of it is because I’m shaken by my thoughts, but the other part of me knows what I’m about to do. I grab my crimson cloak and secure it around my throat before moving on.
Taking my time, I slowly open the door, carefully peeking out, hoping that I won’t draw the attention of the beast.Although everything initially appears to be in order, I'm always wary because this is how it usually starts. The monster is unpredictable and you never know when he will decide to make his move.