If we're going to fight it out, then let's go.
"Fight? Why would I do that when the curse she cast still lingers on you? You are the last thing I have of her for now." She glances toward the woods behind her, smiling. "Everything was meticulously planned. Even suppressing Lillian's wolf was part of it. It tickled my sister when her family came to ask for help. Without her alpha side, she could never save you nor would she have ever found out she was the white wolf required to break your curse. Then she murdered her parents and disposed of their bodies near the woods for good measure, knowing you'd be blamed, and Lillian would hate you. Even if her abilities came, why would she save the one who killed her parents?"
Ma growls. "You sabotaged everything for my son. You are nothing but a cold, heartless witch."
Emmeline smirks. "That would be my sister, but I gladly helped her for my own reward. Don't you want to hear the best part, Lucian? Like how she sent you here when you were both tied to that world when Lillian's alpha side was released from itsprison? It’s funny how she had something planned in case that happened."
The way she's looking at me, I know I don't want to know, but I have to. If I want any chance of escape, I have to find out what happened.
"Smart poochy." Magic swirls between her fingers as she holds them up in my line of vision. "You weren't the only ones cursed and outcast. Oh, we had our magic, sure, but it was nothing compared to what it should be. So, Natalia tied our curse into yours. She even passed down our magic by taking another's form and mated into Corbin's family. She continued to watch from the shadows until she took over his mother's form after he was born, so she could teach him what he needed to know to set us all free and keep you captive, unless you did what she wanted."
You don't mean that, though. You mean you and Natalia.
Her eyes narrow as the corners of her mouth pull up in a smile. "Oh, did you like my sister's show? Did you really think she could be killed that easily? Some things had to be set in motion and we do have a dramatic flare.”
My jaw drops open as I process what she just said. Natalia isn't dead? If she isn't, where has she been?
Come to think of it, she never said her sister is dead. She always uses another term.
Leaves crunch as someone walks closer from somewhere in the woods behind Emmeline. I should have never asked those questions.
Natalia, no, it can't be.
She steps out of the woods, her eyes full of magic as she stares at me. The corner of her mouth pulls up into a smirk, similar to her sister's.
"Hello, sister. I'm so glad you finally told them our little secret."
"I couldn't hold it any longer. You know how long we've waited for this moment and Lillian is exactly where she needs to be. She's coming into her own finally, but I fear it may be ruined. Your great grandson offered his magic to help her in exchange for her becoming his mate." Emmeline eyes her, eagerly waiting for her response. “He’s always been a stupid one.”
Natalia bites at her lower lip as she turns her head slowly to eye me. "What does beasty have to say about that? If she becomes Corbin's mate then there is no hope for him, though it doesn't phase our plans."
Oh, this isn't good.
"You'd be right. It's not good for you because either way you lose. If you take Natalia's offer, though, then you can at least have some happiness. It's better than remaining in that awful beast form or dying." Emmeline glances my way, and then looks behind me as my mother takes a step back.
"Come on, Lucian. We need to go home." Ma has the knife clutched tightly to her side, a look of uncertainty crossing her features.
Natalia lets out a laugh that shakes me to the core. "Leaving so soon, Ma? Do I make you that nervous? You haven't even heard all of our plans, but I guess it doesn't matter. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not."
Ma shakes beside me, the knife clattering to the ground. "I will not go down without a fight."
"A fight? Well, that would be enjoyable. I've been dying to try these powers out on someone, but you wouldn't be much fun. You can't even shift."
Stop this, Emmeline. Your fight is with me. It's always been me because I denied her. Please don't hurt them.
Emmeline smiles. "That's what we want. Your full cooperation. Why do you think they were sent here?"
I thought I had everything figured out, but it turns out, I have been blind to what is really going on. All this time, this has always been the plan. We are just a part of a grander scheme to free them of whatever curse plagued them while getting them whatever they want.
"Well, we really do like you, though. Logan caught my eye, while you caught Natalia's. That has never been a lie, but my dear sister has a way of knowing the future. We knew you would leadus to our salvation by tying our curse to you, though I hoped you'd come around on your own." Emmeline glances toward Natalia, a look passing between them. "Everything has played out nicely and it won't be much longer."
"That it has. Now, we just need one last piece to be free."
They both cut their eyes to look at me. I cringe as intrusive thoughts swirl in my mind. What could they possibly be thinking about?
Emmeline is the first to laugh. "Don't look so serious. It won't hurt you, but it's not pleasant."
My tail tucks between my legs as I move in front of my mother to block her. Whatever it is they have planned, I will take the brunt of the hit. They seem amused by my action and cackle together.