Employed at Pierced Pretties, Felix is used to caring about the needs of others. When Prince Rainier comes looking for a Kitten to play with, Felix is sure he won’t be chosen. Except he is. Not only does Rainier dote on him, he respects boundaries and is willing to let Felix set them too. Felix never imagined Rainier would be quite so sweet and adoring, but as they grow closer, the Prince grows thinner.
He’s spent years controlling his intake. Even though some have told him he’s too thin, he knows he needs to lose weight thanks to his prudish Mum’s constant complaints: He needs less food and more self-control. He’s just like his dead Father and sister.
Pampering and spoiling his Kitten brings Rainier joy. He’s supposed to be the one to take care of others, but when Felix flips their roles, it might be what he needs. If he wants a future with Felix, he’ll have to gain and lose some things he didn’t think were possible.