“Er, I have to go to see someone.”

“That’s fine. We won’t be open for a few nights, so you can do whatever.”

Felix hurried back to his room to find Natalie perched on a chair by the window while the guard still hovered in the hallway.

“Are you ready yet?”

“I asked the owner. Nobody’s delivered mail here.”

She frowned. “Well, either way, you better hurry up, and you can ride in my carriage.”

On the way, Felix told her Rainier didn’t seem to eat much. They’d gone on a trip to Jolly Farms, and he’d seemed fine with the riding, but he’d been too thin and hadn’t been too interested in his meals.

“He never finishes his food. Mother says I sometimes act like I have bubbles for brains, but I notice stuff, and I remember things.” Natalie, with her legs crossed in the carriage seat, swung her foot and looked at Felix like she wanted to say what those things were.

“Has he tried gaining weight? He acts like he can’t.”

“I don’t think he’s tried. He grew thinner after Addy’s death, and he’s pretty much been the same. I think Aunty Eliza stresses him out quite a lot.”

Stress could certainly cause someone to lose their appetite. When they arrived, Natalie took him in a side door and told him to hurry up. Dinner would be soon, and she couldn’t be late. Felix darted upstairs. Inky was scratching at the door to the antechamber, but he turned to look at the approaching human, and both of his tails perked up.

“Aw, did Natalie forget to leave it open for you?” He reached to pet the cat. “Come in.”

Inky slunk in as soon as the door was open enough, and Felix slipped in. Rainier was asleep on the couch, and while he had a blanket over him, his face was too thin, like a sick person.

“Rainier?” Felix touched his arm. The Prince jumped slightly as Inky hopped up. “It’s me.”

The Prince blinked at him for a second. “Felix? What’s wrong?”

“I came to see you.”

“What happened to your Grandma?”

“She’s fine, and she made a full recovery. I decided to come back to Rosewood. I’m worried about you because Natalie came to Pierced Pretties and said you looked sick.”

Rainier sat up with the blanket still over him, but it slipped down a little. Even his shoulders were bonier, and his collarbone stuck out above his loose collar. “I’m not sick. Why would Natalie go get you?”

“What the hell happened? I haven’t been gone that long, and you look like you lost weight. No wonder she thinks you’re sick. I wrote to you.”

Rainier squinted at him. “I never received anything. I wrote and figured you were busy.”

“I never got anything,” Felix said in a low voice. “I think your Mum’s been catching our mail.”

Rainier paused and rubbed his face. “Fuck. I didn’t even think-Come here, Kitten. I missed you.” Felix sat to hug him. “I’m glad your Grandma is okay. I should have thought about Mum having someone intercept our mail after everything.”

“I’m here now, and I’m more worried about you.”

Rainier patted his back. “I’m fine. I was worried about you because I didn’t know if your Grandma passed.”

Felix drew back a bit to look at him. “Rainier, you’ve lost more weight, so don’t give me some bullshit about you being fine. I thought you were too skinny before I left, and now you look like you’re ready to drop. Natalie’s worried too.”

Something clanked in the antechamber as Rainier spoke. “I’m not ready to drop.”

“Natalie said that your Mum said you’re ‘pouting,’ whatever that means.”

“I’m not pouting!”

“I don’t think you were, but what happened after I left?”