“No, they’re fine.”
Maybe he was too ashamed to say anything.
“Kitten, if there's something wrong, you can tell me. I’d keep it private.”
Felix took a deep breath. “They’re not struggling, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. I save as much as I can at the bank and send Mother money every month. She’s also permitted to take it all if something happens to me. I don’t like to spend it unless I need clothes or something for my work. Once I get too old to be a whore, I might start some kind of business of my own. If Grandma gets to a point where she needs a lot of care, I’d also prefer to be able to go home and help so Mother’s not doing it all. If I have a lot saved up, we’d still be okay even if I’m not working. I don’t buy things unless I need it.”
“You’re afraid of struggling later on?”
“Yeah, because when Father died, we had a lot of debt. He had borrowed money to try and get a business going, but stuff doesn’t always work out. We struggled for years and had a lot of shit luck while we tried to pay things off and keep a roof over our heads. We got used to doing without.” Felix patted Inky. “Mother’s getting older, and Grandma can’t work anymore, so I want to make sure they’re set for the rest of their lives, and I’m going to have a big savings for when I get old.”
He didn’t mention anything about getting married or possibly having a family of his own. Maybe he wasn’t interested in marriage, or he saw it as another potential expense in the long run that he didn’t want to risk. It’d be rude to ask.
Rainier wrapped his arms around him, and Felix reciprocated. “Is that why you’re worried about someone buying you something? It makes you feel indebted?”
“Yes, and you’re already feeding me for six months. That’s a lot of money right there.”
Rainier kept one arm wrapped around him. “When I said I wanted to spoil and pamper you, I meant it in all ways. I want to share my time with you, and I wanted to talk and get to know you, remember? Even if you ended up staying at that house, I’d want to go out with you and do other stuff besides sex or a simple walk. You’re not just a hole or a toy to me. If I buy you something, there’s no debt to pay back, and you don’t owe me anything extra.”
“I feel like I do. A family friend bought us food once, and they hung it over our heads afterward and made Mother feel like shit.”
Rainier knew Felix had agreed to this whole thing for money. He worked as a whore, and they provided services for a fee, and he wasn’t the first whore Rainier had been with either.
Basically, selling sex was a job like any other in Rainier’s mind. If Felix bought clothes and things for it, he’d see it as an investment. No wonder his cat stuff had been mismatched and not as nice as the other whore in his brand new, red cat stuff. Felix didn’t think he had a chance to be picked so he hadn’t bought anything new because he must have figured it would likely be a waste of money, and Rainier wouldn’t be interested in someone with no experience at pet play.
“Would you still let me take you out and pay for it?” asked Rainier. “It sounds like you’ve been concerned with amassing savings and always thinking in terms of making more money. There’s nothing wrong with working, saving, and being smart with your money, but do you remember how I said I like to take care of my pets? Beyond making sure you’re mentally and physically safe when we play, I want someone to care for and dote on. I like that kind of thing, and if you let me pay for you whenever we go out, you could see it as another way that I’m caring for you. You’re sort of like a pleasure slave even though we don’t have a written contract like that, and their owners always take care of their expenses.”
Felix seemed to be thinking. "You really like that?”
“Of course. Caring for someone’s needs beyond sex is satisfying to me in a different way.” Rainier kissed the top of his head. “It’s not just about spending money either. It’s taking you to see something and sharing the experience with you. Inky certainly doesn’t mind when I buy him a feather toy, and he gets to have the experience of trying to destroy it.”
Felix snorted. “All right.”
“Think of this as a vacation, and you get to have some fun without worrying about costs.”
“I also get a handsome Prince to cuddle with.”
“I get the cutest Kitten.”
When Natalie and Betty were about to leave that afternoon after lunch, Rainier was hungry, and for a moment, his brain said he should have eaten all of the vegetable stew because veggies surely wouldn’t make him fat. The meal had been light except for the brownies and the bread with norben. He hadn’t touched either of those things, and he hadn’t eaten all of the stew of course.
The dull salad beforehand hadn’t been enough either. He wished he could be like Felix who could eat whatever. It wouldn’t make him fat, and even if he gained weight, he’d still be adorable and sweet. If Rainier gained weight, he might as well get in a puddle of mud and start oinking.
The servants had already brought Natalie and Betty’s bags to the carriage, and it was hitched. As he hugged them goodbye, guilt poked his gut because he shouldn’t be glad that they were going, but he was. It would be only him and Mum at meals, and there would be no tempting dessert or watching his perfect cousin eat everything and never gain an ounce.
They were watching the carriage leave through the gate when he started thinking about his stash of dried fruit. It was for when he was desperate. Since he’d skipped breakfast, the typical hollowness in his gut after so little at lunch was more pronounced than normal. He didn’t even need a whole handful, just a few pieces would do. He’d have to wait until Felix was distracted because the thought of eating in front of him made Rainier’s gut tense.
“What does your whore eat?” asked Mum.
“Can you call him my friend?” Pure shame filled him because he’d been thinking of food. "His name is Felix, not whore.”
“Some friend. What does he eat?”
“I told the kitchen to give him whatever we have, and for breakfast, they make him other stuff like eggs or whatever the cook herself feels like having.”
Mum only ate oats for breakfast, and Rainier did too. No sugar, cream, or anything was added to it, but he couldn’t bear to make Felix force down bland oatmeal.