“They can have games?” Felix whispered.
“Nonviolent criminals can have cards and a few books.”
Lance was in the back where they kept the more violent criminals, and that was further divided on what sort. Rapists and murderers to be hanged were kept in a lower level. A guard before the door to that area said Lance had been a cranky bitch and kept demanding that they at least give him a couple of books.
“Elira forbid if he grows bored,” Rainier snapped as he opened the door.
The wide hall ahead was lined with cells. Lanterns hung from the ceiling, and Rainier made Felix pause in front of an empty cell before he walked ahead. The empty ones had their doors open, and the floors were clean. Felix eyed the high window. Nobody could fit through that narrow space, and the bars would be another obstacle.
Rainier stopped as he presumably looked at Lance.
“Oh, about time something happens,” Lance snapped. “I can’t even come to the Castle?”
“Mum doesn’t care to see you, and I don't think you deserve to come in there again either,” said Rainier. “I want an explanation as to why you attacked Felix. He’d done absolutely nothing to you, and I never expected such violence from you.”
“I didn’t feel like watching your damn cat. I think your kitty kink is stupid.”
Rainier leaned forward slightly. “I don’t care for pup play as much, but if you had one, I wouldn’t dream of attacking him! You were cruel to Felix from the second he woke up that morning! Besides, I asked you to watch him for a few days. I didn’t order you, and I paid you extra for the task too. You could have said no, and I wouldn’t have been angry over it. I thought I could trust you, and that you’d treat him like a decent being.”
Felix didn’t hear anything from Lance.
“Well?” demanded Rainier.
“Look, he blew it out of proportion-”
“Oh, yes, and that’s why he was sobbing under the bed, and he managed to yank his own arm out of its socket. Suuure.”
“I didn’t know he was a human, and it’s not like I pulled on his arm that hard. It was an accident.”
“Caning him and ignoring his safety signal wasn’t an accident. You also didn’t accidentally forbid him food and water. When I took off the gag, his hair was caught in the buckle. You also said if he sucked your dick-”
“Listen, Rainier. Cats have a tendency to be brats. I don’t like them. Also, I know how royalty asks for things. Requests are commands in disguise. You probably would have gotten pissed if I said no.”
“You really don’t know me if you think that’s the case. I’ve never been like that.”
Was Lance tapped in the head? Felix didn’t see how he could expect his weak excuses to be justification for such behavior. Then again, madmen didn't typically say what they were, and they must imagine themselves as rational.
“Another thing that puzzles me…” Rainier lifted a hand. “Even if I wasn’t able to return until that night, did you think I wouldn’t notice signs of abuse on him? Did you think you could intimidate him into silence and he’d seem perfectly normal later? A dominant has to be careful for signs in their pet that something is wrong. Do you think I’m blind or stupid?”
Lance said nothing.
“Do you know what I think? I think I had a madman as a guard the whole time, you fooled Mum and I, and there simply wasn’t a reason for your true colors to surface earlier. You must be one of those people who gets a sick sense of satisfaction from hurting the innocent. You can’t give me any valid reason as to what happened, and you’re no better than an outlaw who kills because he can and enjoys torturing people.”
“I think you are stupid. You’re too skinny, and it’s probably sapping your brain.”
Rainier flushed. “My appearance is no excuse to harm someone. You had no reason for what you did except that you're sick in the head. Technically, I could have you hanged for the coercion because I have fair reason to believe you would have raped him if I hadn’t come by, and you wouldn’t have stopped trying to get him out from under the bed. You saw him as a vulnerable victim. You’re lucky I’m merciful. Come here, Kitten.”
Felix had thought about what the Prince said in regards to fair sentencing here. Eleven years was a long time to sit in a cell, but he deserved it. He thought he’d feel a lot braver with bars between them, but when he came to stand by the Prince, his gut twisted with nerves.
Lance must not have used the new lather that kept a person’s face or other typically hairy areas smooth for a good five years. He had stubble, and his basic prison outfit, which was rather like homespun sleep clothes, was wrinkled. The scowl he gave Felix certainly didn’t help his appearance.
“I thought it was fair for Felix to decide your sentence,” said Rainier.
“You get eleven years,” said Felix.
“Fuck you!" Lance pointed at Felix. “You’re letting the damn whore decide?”
“He’s not a damn whore,” said Rainier. “If you ever even so much as look at him when you get out, I’ll rip off your damn arms.”