Raised in a small town in Kentucky, Legend Vidal is deeply entrenched in his Southern roots and marinated in tough life experiences. Despite his larger-than-life personality, Legend has fallen from glory due to a life of crime, monetary instability, and demons he has yet to face. Struggling to gain his footing and start anew after his last stint in prison, his survival-mode existence has been interrupted by his long-time best friend, Axel Hendrix—one of the few people not intimidated by Legend’s violent and aggressive persona. Axel demands that he get back on track, and also acknowledge a pact that was made with a mutual mentor from their past who changed their lives forever.
This time, Legend is determined to face his demons head on, and finally SEE THE EVIL... then kill it on sight, at last living up to his name.
But then, in walks the thief of his heart: Desiree Washington, a striking, curvaceous, confident woman who’s had her share of hardships and bumps in the road. As a single mother, she works doubly hard to make ends meet. Deciding to embark upon a new career route, she crosses paths with Legend, and once they set eyes on one another, there is no turning back, notwithstanding their reluctance to get entangled in a relationship.
Despite their reservations, fate always gets its way. Legend discovers love doesn’t always have to hurt, but the road to that realization is fraught with traps.
Chills. Pain. Suspense. Seduction … and so much more.
Turn the page. Your adventure awaits…