Page 40 of See No Evil

She must’ve just put this pic up a couple of days ago. I hadn’t seen this one.He smiled at a picture she posted of her at work, wearing a black deep-V-neck shirt, with her hair all dolledup.She looks sexy as hell in this pic right here. Let me see if guys are on here liking my girl’s shit.He placed his cigar in the ashtray on the table and clicked on the LIKES, noticing a bunch of people, a good number of them men, who’d taken notice of the sexy picture, too.

Look at THIS shit. This ain’t yo’ woman, homie.The green-eyed monster within him swelled.Simp asses…

Look what this mothafucka wrote. ‘You so sexy AF, D.’ Who the hell does he think he’s talking to? YOU SO DEAD AS FUCK, MOTHERFUCKER. I outta look him up and break his fuckin’ neck. Too much? Maybe…

He almost wrote those exact words back to the son of a bitch, staking his claim for the world to see who she belonged to, but stopped himself.That would be hypocritical. I already told her that nobody owns anyone, and I don’t like that sort of thing in relationships, but here I am, doing it. She got on here that she’s in a relationship, can’t they see that shit? No respect! She got my head all fucked up. This is her fault… Let me take that back. No, it’s not. It’s my fault. Something is happening to me when it comes to her, and it’s crazy.

That wasn’t his typical style. He usually wasn’t the jealous type, but he was changing and he had no way of stopping it. He felt compelled to guard and protect what was his—what he’d waited so long for, and worked so hard to obtain.

Stop liking and writing slick, thirsty ass comments on my woman’s shit, and then I won’t have to step out of character. Period.

He looked at a few more pictures, some of her and her daughter. He liked those the most. He read comments from some of her family members and friends. He checked to see if she was friends with her daughter’s father on social media, and not surprisingly, she wasn’t. He’d overheard several more arguments between the two, and at times it got ugly.

I’ll see her at school tomorrow. She said she wants to come over to my place soon. Hopefully, we can take care of that this weekend.

He pulled up his text messages and replied to her text from earlier in the day.

Hey, baby. Just saying what’s up. I hope you had a good day at work. Let me know when you want to swing through this weekend like we talked about. I’ll try to be off work that day, but you have to tell me ASAP. Dead people don’t die on a schedule.

He then pulled up YouTube on his phone to watch videos on Costa Rica as he waited for Axel to finish up.I think I’ll take a trip there sometime next year.

Then, his thoughts wandered off into a seedy daydream.

Damn. I wouldn’t mind a little punani. It’s been a few days. I wish she was over here right now. Maybe I can get her to send me some pics of her pussy to tide me over.

They’d had a quickie after school in his truck earlier that week. He’d driven into a desolate area of a park, wanting to take advantage of the tinted windows in his vehicle, yet draped a few towels across them for extra protection. Then, he proceeded to vigorously fuck the daylights out of her in the backseat until she screamed and dripped, just like his leaky ceiling, to the tune of DaBaby’s ‘Waitress,’ blasting through his truck speakers.

Since they’d had sex the first time, she kept calling him to try and get together for dinner.Yeah, right. She addicted to this fuckin’ dick… that’s all she wants in her mouth, and fed to her pussy like take-out. Eyes rollin’ in the back of her head ’nd shit. My back is STILL scratched the fuck up… I NEED HER ASS OVER HERE TONIGHT. SHIT!

But their schedules kept crossing, never lining up right. No one was able to get away and be with each other for more than thirty minutes, outside of class. To say he was annoyed and frustrated was an understatement, but he missed the hell outof her, and they couldn’t act how they wanted to towards one another in class. It was a professional setting, so no caressing and hugging, even though he’d pinch her ass, or steal a peck every now and again when no one was looking.

He loved how much attention she paid to him. It was a lot, but still not too much. She didn’t smother him but gave him his space, while making it clear he was where her interests lay. She was nurturing and funny, and even though she hadn’t said it, he could feel how attached she was getting to him.

He glanced at his watch, and realized it was taking Axel an awfully long time to come and tell him what the deal was. He got to his feet and whistled for the dogs to come back.

After a couple of minutes, he was back in the apartment, grabbing a beer, and going down the hall to see what the issue was. He opened the bathroom door, but didn’t see Axel there. He walked to his bedroom, saw the door open, and his heart pounded like a drum. Axel stood there staring into his bedroom closet, his mouth gaping open. Legend stepped inside and slammed the door behind him, prompting Axel’s attention. They glared at one another for a hot second before the roof of life caved in.

“Legend… what… what the hell is this?”

“Don’t you fix yo’ mouth to question me aboutmyshit, mothafucka. What the fuck are you even doin’ in my bedroom, man?!” He marched up to him, getting in his face. “You think ’cause I rent from you, you can just walk around here freely, goin’ through my shit?! Get tha fuck out!”

Axel pushed him back, creating a bigger space between them.

“Legend, I needed a screwdriver. I forgot mine. I came in here because I knew you kept some tools in your bedroom. This is… this is unsettling, man…”

“Unsettling? You can’t talk to me about what’s disturbing or unsettling when you got involved with a lady whohatedWhitepeople at one time, being in a cult with a man who preached White people are evil. Then yo’ ass turned around and married her anyway!That’swhat’s fuckin’ unsettling. I didn’t sayshitabout that weird shit, now did I? I just let you do you, ’cause it wasn’t none of my business, so you shouldn’t sayshitabout this! Worry about yo’ own shit, and mind your damn business!”

“Don’t try to get off the topic and make this about someone or somethin’ else. I see you’ve reverted to your typical tactics. Don’t you bring English into this ’cause you got caught with some fucked up shit in your closet!”

“I bet if I opened your closet, I’d find all kinds of shit, too! Don’t act like you don’t have no bones up in there!”

“NOT THIS! I PROMISE YA THAT! You’re psychotic! LOOK AT THIS!” Axel pointed in the closet once again.

“You’ve been waiting to tell me that, haven’t you? That I’m crazy. Always thinking you were the one wrapped the tightest out of the three of us. Bullshit. You and Caspian are the same! On some high horse! Y’all got some fuckin’ nerve, both of y’all crazy as fuck! But at least Iknowwhat I am!” He pointed at himself. “You out here settin’ mothafuckas on fire, then havin’ the audacity to go clean up the crime scene later like you ain’t have shit to do with it. And Caspian got a boatload of bodies and bullshit that makes him a certifiable nutjob. Ol’ Hannibal Lecter ass. I don’t care how many degrees he gets, he’s out of his fucking mind, too. I’m the onlyrealman standing in this trio, the fuckin’ whack job Brother Disciples, because I never tried to be someone I wasn’t.”

“Oh, really, Legend? If that was the case, then you wouldn’t have any problem telling me why you have these photos, maps, and police, FBI-type coordinates with all of these weird writings and cryptic bullshit written all over everything! Since you’re soreal, and not afraid to be yourself, tell me what you’ve been doing!”

“Iunderstand what it means, and that’s all that matters. It’s not FOR you. Unlike you, I don’t need another mothafucka to help me fight my battles, or try to jump through hoops to get someone’s approval who isn’t worth the dirt on the ground. You could’ve come and asked me, nigga, if you needed a screwdriver. You’re a liar. You did this shit on purpose! You always in my way!”