
Many of us live a tortured sort of existence. We keep telling ourselves that we’re alright when really we’re hanging on by a thread. We wake up and walk to our bathrooms to wash our face only to find ourselves staring in the mirror and wondering why we even got out of bed or why we woke up at all.

Ana is in that kind of a rut. She gets up, she works, she stays in, never bothering or wanting to socialize in the real world. She escapes into a fantasy where she is whoever she wants to be. She goes to a place where she can feel the freedom she doesn’t have in real life, but even her fantasy world, Aurora, isn’t perfect. It has its’ flaws but it’s better than what she has in the waking world. In fact, some might say she is the queen of this place.
She is far more than she is in the real world when she sleeps. The time spent in her waking life is merely there to keep her from where she really wants to be and with whom she really wants to be with. But even this supposedly perfect world isn’t all hearts and flowers. The people that populate the world are struggling the same as she is. They wait through the day to get back to Aurora so they can be who they so wish they could be in their real lives. Even then, while in this fantasy, you cannot escape who you really are or the worries that eat at your sanity. People, regardless of location or level of consciousness, are still plagued with mental illness, anxiety, and social discord.