Strictly Business


I don't like mixing business with pleasure or business with anything, but it was hard to say no to a request from an old friend to give his niece an apprenticeship at my firm, especially when I couldn't fault her qualifications, Harvard, no less!

I vaguely remember the girl from years ago; polite, ugly glasses, chubby, and a riot of unruly curls. Not my type at all. What could it hurt, really?

I agreed to take her on, on the condition she gets no special treatment, and she's out on her ear if she proves to be less than exemplary. I was not in the business of babysitting.

He readily accepted my terms and it seemed like a good idea. Win, win for all concerned! So why not?

Until she walks into my office Monday morning.
Whoa! Back up, back up, Wyatt McAvoy.

Ugly glasses - untick that.
Unruly curls - they had been tamed into seriously gorgeous silken locks.
Chubby - definitely untick that. Her body was a blessing, Heck, the woman had hips and curves a man could put on an altar and worship.
Polite - hmm... there's a knowing dangerous glint in those green eyes now.

Okay, her appearance was a wrench in the works, but I was not changing my mind or plan.

It was going to be strictly business between the two of us. And I meant that. Strictly business.

No matter how hot things got...