“There,” I say, nodding my head in Serena’s direction as she nods and laughs at something one of the group of people that she is with is saying.
“Oh, thank God,” Ruth says, and I pull my gaze from Serena long enough to frown my question at Ruth. “I forgot to tell her that these parties are the real deal, dress to impress and all of that. It suddenly hit me this evening as I was getting ready to leave that she might think it’s just a few pints and a couple of sandwiches, you know? I went to her office to see her, but it was too late; she had already gone. I was worried she would turn up in jeans or come straight here in her work clothes or something.”
“Oh, she would have been mortified,” I say.
Ruth nods.
“I would have too for not explaining properly to her,” she says.
“Oh well,” I smile. “Someone obviously told her, so no harm done.”
Ruth nods and smiles again. The smile looks fake but why would it be? It’s not like her oversight embarrassed Serena and it’s not like she had to tell me about her mistake if she didn’t want to. She looks at her watch and makes a little oh sound.
“Time for me to start uncovering the food,” she says. “Please excuse me.”
I nod my understanding and she scurries away. She’s probably just uptight until after people have eaten and the food has been a success that’s why her smile looked off. I can understand that one. After the food has been served, she will have a drink or two and that’s when she’ll lighten up. She might even forget herself completely and have a dance.
Serena heads back over to me and I forget about Ruth entirely when she reaches my side and smiles, a nervous looking smile.
“The food will be ready soon,” she says. “That means my speech is getting closer.”
“Don’t worry about that, you’ll be fine,” I say. “All they want to hear is how much you love them all and how much you love life now that you’re one of them.”
“Ok, that doesn’t sound so bad,” Serena says. “Especially considering it’s mostly true.”
She raises her glass to her lips and takes a long drink of the clear liquid inside.
“A bit of Dutch courage,” I joke, looking at glass.
“Oh God no, not before I have to speak in front of everyone,” Serena says with a laugh. “It’s just tonic water.”
“Well make sure you have a few drinks after the speech. This is your night Serena, enjoy it,” I say.
“I will,” she replies with a smile. “I mean I already am, but you know what I mean.”
“I do,” I say.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the DJ says over the microphone, momentarily stopping any further conversation between Serena and me. “The buffet is now open.”
“I’d best go and find my seat,” Serena says, flashing me a smile and disappearing into the crowd once more.
Ruth is right I think to myself as I finish the last of my food. That buffet was amazing, and I definitely think we will be having more events here. I turn to her and tell her as much and she beams.
“I was a little bit nervous booking somewhere new, but I hoped you would like it and our usual place didn’t have the right feel about it for Serena. I feel like she wouldn’t have felt like enough of an effort had been made,” Ruth says.
I resist the urge to role my eyes. I’m not getting into an argument with Ruth here and if I roll my eyes, that’s exactly what I know will happen, but I am going to have to address this at some point in the office. It’s not a secret to me and probably everyone else in the office knows that Ruth isn’t a big Serena fan and that’s fine, we don’t go to work to make friends, they are just a bonus. But I can’t stand the snide little comments Ruth makes about Serena.
It's not even about the fact that I like Serena - it’s just not professional to be bitchy like that about an employee or to be seen to condone employees bitching to me about other people. It also annoys me that if Ruth would make the tiniest effort to get to know Serena, she would see that her opinions of her are so far off as to be laughable. Serena obviously will appreciate this place – who wouldn’t? – but she would have been so much more comfortable at our usual place, which has more of a chilled-out vibe to it.
“It’s time for you to go up and announce Serena’s speech,” Ruth says after a few more minutes have passed.
I nod and stand up. I take a deep breath as I walk towards the front of the room. The DJ smiles at me and gives me a microphone. I gently pat the top to see if it’s switched on. It is and the sound of my touch echoes around the room. I bring the microphone up to my mouth and I start to talk.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for a moment, please?” I start. I wait for the majority of the chatter to die down and the people to focus their attention on me. I smile again. “Firstly, thank you all for coming. As you all know, this night is a celebration of Serena, our newest associate, landing her first client. I do believe she is the fastest associate ever to get her own client. I have seen the work she has done for that client, and I have to say I am excited for what she is going to bring to the table next. Now before I embarrass her any further, please welcome her up here, Miss Serena West.”