“Shh. No one can see,” he says. “Look. The wall of the balcony is solid. Anyone on their balcony or looking out of their window will just see you standing there looking out at the city.”
He moves his hand away himself this time and gets one of the loungers. He pulls it closer to me and perches on the end of it.
“See? No one will see me. So, assuming you can control yourself and not scream when you come, we’re good,” he says with a wicked looking grin.
“I’ll try,” I say, and it sounds sarcastic, but I don’t mean it that way. I genuinely do mean I will do my best to be quiet, but I can’t guarantee it.
Wyatt grabs my waistband and pulls my trousers down. I step out of them and then he follows them with my panties, and again, I step out of them. I turn back to face the city and Daniel’s expert fingers go to work on me.
At first, staying quiet isn’t so hard. Wyatt is waking my clit up and my pussy is coming to life, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s nice, but it’s not quite at the ‘scream his name on a wave of pleasure’ level of nice yet. He moves my clit gently from side to side and I move with him, trying to get him to press harder. His touch is merely teasing me right now.
He takes the hint, but then he does something he’s never done to me before. His hand is coming in from the direction of my ass and he sticks his thumb into my pussy and then he keeps moving his index and middle fingers forward through my lips. They end up on either side of my clit and Wyatt gently presses his fingers together, sending shockwaves through my sensitive clit. At the same time, he rubs the inside of my walls with his thumb and finds my g spot.
He continues to work on my clit as he also works my g spot and now staying quiet is getting harder. I’m fizzing, desperate for an orgasm but also not wanting this to end. It’s intense, maybe even a little strange but my God it’s good. I rock my hips, forcing more pressure onto my clit and Wyatt obliges, squeezing and rubbing it harder and pressing harder on my g spot. My stomach rolls deliciously and then for a moment, I feel like I might pee. The moment passes and I’m floating on pleasure, only Wyatt’s hand on me stopping me from floating away.
I’m hurtling towards my orgasm and despite where I am, I know this isn’t going to be quiet. I also know I can’t ask Wyatt to stop now. I think I would explode with frustration if he did. I think fast and cross my arms on the balcony wall in front of me. I press my mouth against my arms and as I hit my orgasm, I let out a cry that my arms muffle enough to make it not too obvious it’s a sex noise.
Fireworks spread through my body, my nerve endings sizzling and firing off. My clit is pulsing hot waves of pure pleasure through me, and my pussy has clenched tightly around Daniel’s thumb which is still working my g spot. My nipples are so hard and the skin on my whole body is covered in goose bumps as the pleasure sends shivers through me.
I cry out into my arms again when Wyatt pulls his thumb out of me and puts his mouth on the edge of my pussy. He licks and sucks, lapping up my juices and devouring them, devouring me with them.
By the time he finishes, and I have climaxed again, my arms on the wall aren’t just keeping me quiet. They are also keeping me from collapsing into a heap on the ground. I hear Wyatt stand up beside me and then I feel his hand on my lower back and his lips on my neck and I force my head up from my arms.
“Wow,” I say. “Thirteen out of ten.”
“And you get like a seven out of ten for staying quiet,” he says with a laugh and then he kisses me, and I go to wrap my arms around him, but I forget about my numb legs, and I’m falling.
Wyatt catches me without missing a beat and he scoops me up in his arms and carries me back inside of the room and to his bed. He leaves the balcony door open and the breeze that washes in is nice on my hot skin.
Wyatt lays me on the bed and kicks his shorts off. I take the opportunity to pull my vest top off and ditch it over the side of the bed. Wyatt looks down at my now naked chest and grins and licks his lips, and then gets on top of me and now I do wrap my arms around him and he’s inside me, thrusting and moaning as he fills me up. I grab his ass cheeks, pushing him deeper and deeper into me until it feels like we are one. We move as one, we cry out as one, and we orgasm as one. We are one.
Pleasure floods me once more and this time, I’m not alone. Wyatt is coming too, and I can feel his body going rigid as his cock spurts and twitches inside of me. I tighten my pussy and he moans my name in a voice that is all sex and a shiver goes through me, followed by another climax as Wyatt’s pubic bone hits my clit as he thrusts into me again mid orgasm.
I dig my nails into his ass cheeks as my hands curl up into balls and my whole body sort of pauses, like I’m just hanging there, suspended in space and time and all I can feel is my clit and the pulses of sheer ecstasy that it is pushing out around my body.
I can’t breathe. I can’t see. But it doesn’t matter. I can feel and that’s all I need to be able to do in the moment. I can feel Wyatt inside of me, his own orgasm finishing. I can feel my clit still working its magic and I can feel Wyatt’s lips on mine.
I float back down into myself, and I can see again, and I can breathe again, and I’m panting for breath like I’ve been starved of oxygen for a week rather than the twenty or so seconds it actually must have been. I’m still getting pulses through my pussy that make my muscles there spasm uncontrollably and each time it happens, a delicious little spark goes off in my lower belly.
Wyatt pulls out of me and rolls to the side, narrowly avoiding sending his laptop crashing to the ground. Judging by the faraway look on his face, I don’t think he would have noticed if he had knocked it down. We lay side by side, our heads turned to face each other as we slowly come down.
I look deep into Wyatt’s eyes and as much as I want this to go slowly and for us to be sure this is what we want, all I can see is my future reflected back at me. I realize in that moment that I never want to not be able to lose myself in those eyes. I smile and I’m about to tell Wyatt what I’m thinking when I realize that I can no longer see his eyes because they are closed.
His breathing deepens and I watch his chest rise and fall for a moment. I feel bad for needing to wake him up. It’s been a long day and I know how tired he is because I’m the same, but I know I won’t sleep until we have looked over the pitch one more time.
“Wyatt.” I whisper. He doesn’t stir. “Wyatt?”
I say it louder the second time and he makes a ‘mmm’ sound but he doesn’t open his eyes.
“Wyatt, wake up,” I say, shaking him gently.
“I’m awake,” he says but still his eyes are closed and before I can even speak, his breathing has evened back out.
I decide to try one more time and if he still doesn’t wake up, I will go back to my own room and try again with my laptop.
“Wyatt,” I say. I shake him harder this time, because while I do feel bad about this, I also don’t want to go back to my own room alone. I want to be here with him.
Wyatt opens one eye and peers up at me.