“Alright, little Mason, hang on.” Was Williams only spoken warning before he was wrapping her up in his embrace, like a damn damsel in distress.

“Do not ever mention this to, Chad.” Her voice filled with threat as she hooked her arms around Williams's neck. His smile was wicked as he made the trek down the hall to their apartment door.

“What do you take me for? A saint? Unfortunately for you, you will never live this down.” His laughter vibrated intoher as she pinched the back of his neck.


“Duck fucker.”

When they entered the apartment, they had expected at least Bear and Trey to be home, but the apartment was dark and quiet. Williams laid Maybelle, in her princess worthy, blue dress out on the living room couch while he went to inspect and confirm that they were indeed the only ones in the apartment.

He came back less than a minute later, “We have the place to ourselves, I texted Trey. I guess he and Larson went out for drinks and Bear is MIA. You can come hangout in my room until Trey gets back. I can give you a change of clothes and we can watch a movie. He’s going to be a while especially with Larson, Chad doesn't handle his alcohol well, but he loves to party long and hard.”

“Sounds good.” Maybelle said standing from the couch. Williams swooped a helping arm around her as she limped to his room which fortunately was one of the first rooms in the hall.

Williams gave her a white tee that probably hung tight to his body but nearly drowned Maybelle, hitting the tops of her knees with a pair of massive of grey sweats that she cinched the drawstring on the waist band to as tight as humanly possible in order to keep them on her and not falling to the floor with each step she took.

After hanging the beautiful dress up on the back of the bedroom door, Maybelle climbed onto the bed, staying on the outside of the bedding as she leaned up against the pile of pillows. Williams returned a moment later dressed in a matching pair of grey sweats and a white tee that did in fact glove every hill and valley of muscle across his chest and arms. His hands were behind his back a big smile splitting his face in two as he shut his bedroom door behind him.

“Now that we are in our matching PJs and ready for themovie, I snuck us some goodies.” He nearly squealed as he held up four packs of pop tarts, “Turner is so damned protective of these things, but I think he owes us for the way his monster of a date treated us all tonight.” Williams reconciled as he threw himself onto the bed next to Maybelle.

“I agree full-heartedly.” She exclaimed as she snatched herself a pack from Williams's hand.

After a long moment of debating, halfhearted banter, a couple teasing insults they finally agreed to watch A Walk to Remember, “We are just in a real masochistic mood tonight, aren’t we?” Williams speculated as the movie started.

“Guess so.” Maybelle yawned, cuddling up into the pillows, piecing off her brown sugar pop tart.

“Alright buddy, next step.” Trey instructed a very drunk Larson up the stairs to their apartment. Larson had wanted to celebrate after he, “absolutely killed that speech” and Trey knew after the night they all had, no one would be in a real party mood, so he decided to take one for the team.

He took Juliette home; they didn’t talk most of the drive. Trey knew if he opened his mouth, he would say some pretty horrid things, so he drove on resisting the urge to throw her out a block early to let her find the rest of the way in the dark, but he held strong and even waited until she walked through the front door of her shared house before speeding off to pick up Larson.

Him and Larson stopped by a station to pick up a pack of beers then Trey drove them to their apartment complex so he could enjoy one beer. Larson apparently had already had a solid amount of alcohol at the banquet, and as much as Larson would like to deny it, he was a lightweight, so after a couple cans he was done.

In his drunk stupor he did admit to Trey that he didn’teven write his whole speech, Maybelle had and helped him practice it over and over again. Then he got all sappy and sloppy as he gushed about how great she was and how Trey needed to marry that girl because they don’t make them like her anymore.

Trey’s only reply to his friend was, “I’m working on it.”

Trey got Larson into his bed, even took his dress shoes off for him and tucked him in before closing the bedroom door. Trey stopped in front of Williams’s door for a moment, debating on walking in.

He had gotten a text earlier from William’s saying he needed to talk but with the shut door and lights out he guessed his friend was already asleep and they would talk in the morning. As he passed Bear’s room, he couldn't help but take inventory in the fact that Mr. Bear was still out.

Trey shot the lineman a quick text just to make sure all was well; the reply was almost instant.

Bear: Busy getting my beard

braided, don’t wait up for me,

I’ll be back tomorrow.

Trey: Thanks for that image.

Trey shuddered, at least one of them was getting action tonight.Maybelle— her immaculate figure in that dress came to mind and Trey groaned as he shut his bedroom door behind him.

He should have chased after her when she left the table. Should have done something but he had gotten too caught up in going off on Juliette. He had wanted so badly to get rid of Juliette in order to keep Maybelle from having to see that witch the rest of the night. When they made it out to the car Juliette had started snarking shit about Maybelle that had him gritting his teeth.

“Juliette, shut up.” He had seethed, and for once Juliette had listened. Her lips immediately sealed at the intensity of his tone, “Maybelle is my girl, and I won’t allow another second of you bitching about her go on. Get in the car and shut up.”