He had thought it was done but Juliette had one more brutal comment as he rounded the front of the Jeep to get into his seat, “If she is your girl, then why is she with Sam?”

All Trey could do was get into his seat, and throw his keys into the ignition and ground out, “Get in.”

Trey leaned his head against the shower wall as the water sprayed his back. As much as he hated Juliette, she had a point. Was he being a fool, holding out hope for a woman who would never want him the way he wanted her?

Was it all ever just going to bepretend?

Pathetic, he was a whipped pathetic pup waiting for any attention Maybelle would give him. Begging for proximity, time, conversation, and just a chance.

The most frustrating part was he could see that she wanted him, the way she looked at him, the way her breathing got heavier when he was near, the way she looked for him in a crowd. She didn’t look for Sam or hold his gaze.So why?

The next morning after a night of tossing and turning Trey sat at the kitchen counter not as plagued by his depressing thoughts of Maybelle.

He decided he would hope.

There was no way she and Sam would last long, especially after the coward only sat there wide-eyed through the whole dinner spectacle last night. They would end and that is when Trey would strike, he would get his girl back.

Trey was nursing a cup of coffee when he heard Williams’s door creak open, he looked over to greet his friend, but his heart stopped dead, cold in his chest at the sight ofhisMaybelle exiting his best friend’s room dressed in his best friend’s clothes.

Trey was going to be sick.

He knew Williams had gone to get Maybelle and make sure she was alright last night, but Trey never guessed in a million years he would bring her home— to his bed.

Maybelle’s curls were a mess of frizz and her mascara a bit smeared which brought him even closer to vomiting because she was absolutely breathtaking as she exited his best friend’s room.

The worst part, she was smiling at him, a sweet blissful smile.

“Good morning.” She greeted and that’s when Trey noticed the slight limp to her step.

Trey dropped his gaze to a wrapped ankle.

“Oh, that.” Maybelle said noticing the shift of his attention, “I tripped on my way up the stairs in those darn heels. More like death traps if you ask me.” She joked but Trey still couldn’t speak. The same phrase repeated on a loop in the back of his mind.

Still not me. Why not me?

Maybelle took the seat next to him at the counter, “So I have been needing to tell you something.”

Oh god, she was going to tell him about her and Williams. She was going to tell him that she broke up with Sam to be with Trey’s best friend.

He couldn't do it. He couldn’t just sit here and listen.

“I’m actually busy, can this wait?” He asked as he launched from his stool and rinsed his cup out in the sink. Maybelle looked confused but he couldn’t let her do this to him, not now.

“No, it can’t, why? What’s wrong?” She asked, standing, and blocking his exit, caging him in the kitchen.

“Nothing Maybelle, I just have to go.” She barelyflinched at the use of her name, but he saw it and he ignored it.

“It will only take a second.” She tried, she even reached for him, but Trey took a step back from her. Maybelle’s eyes narrowed, “Is this because of what Sam said?”

And Trey scoffed, that would be on his long list, but he didn’t say yes, instead he stared at the clothing she wore thinking about how Noah’s shirt and pants would smell like her.

Maybelle seemed to follow his focus because she folded her arms across her chest, “What do you think happened last night, Trey?” She asked with that damned attitude he has loved but despised in this moment.

What did she want? For him to guess what exactly went down last night, maybe name off a few positions.

Oh, he really was going to be sick.

“I’m not playing your stupid game.” He murmured as he tried to sidestep her, but Maybelle blocked his path again, nose scrunching.