“Don’t be, Juliette deserved what you said. She never should have brought up your family like that. Ever.” Williams seethed, his thumb at odds with his tone, sweeping across the top of her knee.

He inhaled deeply then exhaled, “Trey left to take her home.” Maybelle didn’t feel much better with that new information but at least she wouldn’t have to face Juliette the rest of the night.

“That’s good, where’s Sabrina?” Maybelle asked suddenly remembering the beautiful date Williams had brought and couldn’t stop ogling.

“She called an Uber.”

Maybelle sat up abruptly, “What? Why? What happened?”

Williams waved her off, “Don’t stress, she knew you needed your best friend and ordered herself an Uber before I even had a chance to talk to her about it. We are seeing each other again next week, though.” Williams broke off then added, “I really like her.”

Maybelle smiled looping her arm with his, “I think Penny would try to fight you if she ever heard you call yourself my best friend in front of her.”

Williams vibrated with laughter, “Yeah, that may be true, but you and I both know I hold the spot of best friend.”

Maybelle scrunched her nose, “I plead the fifth.” She stated, snuggling closer into the big man, “but I’m happy for you, you and Sabrina looked good together.”

A moment or two of silence passed before Williams finally asked, “You going to ask about your boyfriend?”

It took a few beats for Maybelle to register who Williams would be talking about until it finally hit, “Oh no. He did not tell you I am his girlfriend, did he?” She asked appalled.

Williams let out a deep chuckle, “Oh yes, he announced the relationship status proudly in our living room just before you showed up this afternoon. But the poor boy almost pissed himself with the way Trey was looking at him.”

Maybelle grumbled a few colorful words as she squeezed her eyes shut.

“So, when did that happen?” Williams prodded on and Maybelle wanted to throw herself off a cliff.

“It didn’t happen, I didn’t even know about the misunderstanding or whatever the hell happened until yesterday when he called me his girlfriend in front of Chelsea. It was mortifying.” Shereallyneeded to talk to Sam and clear the air between them.

“I don’t want to be with Sam.” Maybelle whispered, not sure why she felt the need to bear herself to Williams in this exact moment. Maybe it was because of the already heightened emotions from the night or that telling him was just a closer step to telling the person she really needed to bear her soul to.

“Whatdoyou want?” Williams asked and the question had Maybelle’s throat burning.

No more pretending.

No more excuses and letting fear get in the way.

“I want Trey.” She admitted on a deep breath and Williams pecked the top of her head with a soft kiss.

“Good, took your sweet time coming to that conclusion but I’m glad you got there.” Williams rose from his seat to his full towering height, “Your boy toy is waiting in the main foyer by the entrance for you. If you want, you can talk to him before we head home?”

Maybelle wanted to do no such thing, she wanted out of this dress and to be done with tonight, but Sam deserved an explanation before she bailed so she slipped her heels back on and rose from the steps.

“Let’s go breakup with my boyfriend.” She pronounced.

Williams offered his arm to her, “That’s the spirit.”

33 Beard Braiding and Heartbreak

“Fuck a duck!” Maybelle bellowed as she curled up on the apartment stairs to inspect the ankle she just obliterated against the steps in her heels.

Williams stepped on the stairs beneath her, crouchingso he could more clearly study the injured joint and peer up at her as he said, “Please don’t, and what did the ducks ever do to you?” Maybelle sniggered through her growl of pain as Williams twisted and tested the ankle.

“Damn Mason.” He started, “You were supposed to end this night on a win. Looks like you twisted it pretty bad.”

Maybelle grumbled into her hands, of course this happened just before she planned to see Trey. At least everything with Sam had gone well. He did cry, just a little, when Maybelle explained she wasn’t interested in the relationship, but he was ever the gentleman. Always so kind, and respectful as he hugged her goodbye and wished her all the best. Williams had ordered them an Uber which pulled up, perfectly timed as Maybelle exited the event center which she could not be more thankful for as the rest of the party started making their way out for the night.

Williams decided they would go back to the guys’ apartment because she needed to talk to Trey, and she agreed. She needed to tell him that she was ready, that she wanted to try again, that she did care for him. Apparently, she had been so nervous and racked with excitement that she lost her usual intense focus on the stairs and caught a step just right. At least she didn’t go rolling down the flight of stairs but still, this sucked.