“I'm not playing any games. How about you ask me what happened, and I can set some things straight.”

Hell, this woman was a sadist.

Instead of trying to go back down to the hall where his room lay Trey snatched his keys and fled out the front door. It wasn’t the most respectable of strategies, but he couldn’t care, he just had to get away. Away from the woman who just kept shattering his heart, the woman who held every splintered piece in the palm of her hand and still kept crushing.

Maybelle followed him to the hall, but she remained at the threshold calling after him as he nearly ran down the hall to the stairs, “Just give me a call when you are ready to listen, Turner!”

34 The Ambush

Three weeks, three freaking weeks.

Trey had successfully ignored Maybelle and Williams for a solid three weeks. How he has been able to do that with Williams Maybelle couldn’t help but be impressed.

Williams said that Trey had managed to avoid him completely at the apartment and at practice. Williams hadn’t even gotten the chance to explain himself. He sent Trey a few texts asking to talk but Trey ignored them.

So, Williams took on the same attitude as Maybelle, if Trey was going to assume shit then the joke was on him. They hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but Trey and Larson had taken so damn long to get back home Maybelle and Williams had passed out, pop tart wrappers littering them and the bed. It was actually quite a sight to behold but Trey would know that if he would just let them explain.

It had been decided, when Trey was ready to listen, they would tell him what happened— but that was last week's thinking. Maybelle was sick of the drama and decided that if Trey wasn’t ready to listen, too bad.

Hehadto listen.

Especially since Maybelle had failed the last two math exams without his help and was dying for some tutoring. And who was she kidding, she missed him. Trey’s absence in herlife was carving out a cavity she couldn’t bear to leave hollow anymore.

Maybelle hadn’t realized just how much of her day-to-day Trey had integrated himself into and she into his. Each morning walk was quieter, lonelier, not finding a smiling Trey waiting on the other side of her door for her. Or the random calls most nights to talk about their days, Trey’s hard practices or Maybelle’s most recent find in the school library.

Trey Turner had weaved his way into her heart and soul, and she was finally ready to accept it. Of course, right when she decided she was ready to give it all another go it all went to shit.

No more.

Bear was on lookout at the apartment texting her when Trey was finally back home, and she just got the go-ahead text.

Maybelle powered through the apartment stairs, her ankle still a little wobbly but was healing just fine, with the help of the brace she wore, hidden under her pant leg.

She didn’t knock when she reached the apartment door. She burst right on in and by the look of Trey’s sulking face he wasn’t too happy to see her. He hadn’t even put down his bag before she barged in.

Trey rocketed a death glare directed at Bear who sat smiling on the couch with Gracie by his side, “Really?” Trey barked; Bear only shrugged his large shoulders.

Trey turned back to Maybelle, “Williams isn’t here.” He sneered and Maybelle rolled her eyes.

“I’m not here to see him, I’m here to see you.” She retorted.

Trey’s eyes narrowed, “Why?”

“Because I have failed my last two math exams. I need you and your brain to teach me.” She batted her lashes while Trey huffed a strained breath.

“Fine. Come on.” He trudged down the hall to his room.Maybelle started down the hall after him but not before shooting Bear and Gracie a quick wink and thumbs up.

She knew Trey wouldn’t be able to turn her away when she needed help. It may have been a little manipulative of her butdesperate times.

Maybelle shut the bedroom door behind her which earned her a side long glance from Trey, but he didn’t argue. He dropped his bag on the floor while she kicked her shoes off and jumped onto his bed with her notebook, calculator, and pen in hand.

Trey didn’t say much more than the bare minimum as he walked her through each problem. Which was fine, it was a good first step.

“Who thought it was a good idea to combine numbers and letters?” Maybelle grumbled while writing out the wrong answer to a problem she and Trey had been working through together. Trey sighed, scratching out her wrong answer and replacing it with the correct one.

“How?” She demanded and Trey’s lips sealed together as his eyes darted from her.

“The Father of Math, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi and you forgot to solve the equation in the parentheses first, so it screwed up the whole process.” Trey replied easily, like he hadn’t just said the geekiest thing Maybelle had ever heard.