Page 59 of Conquer or Die

His screams filled my ears as I stood there watching in absolute bliss, my babies pounced on him tearing him limb by limb. I laughed watching it all happen, some may say I lost touch with humanity, or that I’m just psychotic because no normal person would ever allow this to happen, what I’d say is I didn’t have a normal upbringing, nor did I lead a normal life so … who is to say what’s normal anymore?


After my babies finished their dinner, they left no traces of neither Sophia or Mario, I looked up at the sky and smiled softly “there all yours Maria, I hope you finish them for everything they put us both through.” I started imagining what Maria would do if she was still here with me. Would she understand why I did what I did? Would she be okay with me killing them? Would she look at me differently for how unbothered I was? How would you react knowing our real father was under our noses this whole time? I took in a deep breath trying to calm down, I need to stop thinking before I lose my mind. I whistled for my wolves to come back, I sat and played with them for a little bit before putting them back inside letting them rest after their full meal. I need to get my trainers back from Spain so they can take care of my babies while I’m busy.


Isabella’s POV

I ran back to the estate, only one thing was on my mind right now … okay I had a lot of things on my mind right now but the main one was Dante, I needed to hear his little squeal. His getting so big seems like yesterday when we came to the new estate and Vincenzo took us on the horses, he was only four months now his almost six months and my god so much has happened in that short amount of time.

I reached the estate huffing and puffing feeling out of breath, I rushed to get my phone from my upstairs room. I stopped dead in my tracks seeing the maids cleaned up after Vincenzo and I’s ‘fight’ to put it lightly. I let out a sigh and grabbed my phone called Ariana, I waited patiently as the phone rang.

“Hello? Isabella?” I could hear Ariana’s excitement in her voice, I chuckled softly “Ariana?” I laughed out trying to get her to calm down.

“Is it true? Does my brother remember you? Is he okay? Are you okay? Can we come back? Oh my god how excited are you? Oh, wait OH MY GOD HOW ARE YOU!” she was ranting not being able to restrain herself.

“Ariana!” I yelled hoping it would make her calm down, she took a deep breath indicating that it worked.

“Yes, it’s true Vincenzo remembers everything including me, his memory coming back really helped with him trusting me to help him deal with his withdrawals. He is okay and so am I, no you can’t come back. I’m on cloud nine and I’m just peachy” I answered all her questions taking in a deep breath.

“Now can I please talk to my son if that’s possible.”

I heard shuffling before I heard the cutest babbling and noises coming out of my baby’s little mouth, I felt my heart jump out of my throat.

“Oh, my baby hi my precious boy” I softly sang out imaging his hands trying to reach the phone and his curious grey eyes looking frantically around the room trying to find me.

“I promise as soon as daddy is back on his feet, and I kill the bad man that hurt me and daddy then the both of us will bring you and your aunty back home.” I heard his laughing, and I shook my head “only my and Vincenzo’s son will laugh at killing another man” I commented after hearing Ariana’s laugh, “at least you know for a fact there’s no need for a DNA test” she joked.

I laughed rolling my eyes “I’ll call you with updates, okay? Take care of my baby and more importantly take care of yourself. Missing you already crazy” I smiled hearing her giggle “will do keep me updated and love you Bella” she whispered I let out a sigh and smiled “love you too” hanging up the phone.

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders knowing my son and Ariana were okay. I walked out of my room and saw Garcia waiting patiently in the living room downstairs, I smiled and made my way down to him.

“Garcia?” I smiled calling out for him, he turned around with the biggest smile on his face “Isabella” he walked towards me unsure of how I’m going to react now that I was out of such a high-pressure environment. I smiled reassuringly he let out a sigh of relief and pulled me in for a hug, “how long did you know?” I asked him. He let out a sigh not letting go of me “the second I was introduced to you, your emerald-green eyes were never easy to forget. It always made you stand out and the first time I saw your sister It just confirmed my suspicion I couldn’t forget those Bambi eyes.” He joked reminiscing about the first time he saw Maria, how much I miss her and her innocent Bambi eyes staring back at me.

“I just hope she’s finally at peace wherever she is weather its up in the sky or down at the sea. I just hope she’s finally at peace”.

Maria’s POV

I looked around trying to find where I was but everything around me looks like a dream, like what I’m experiencing right not isn’t really what I’m experiencing “Maria?” I spun around feeling very light am I dead? I questioned.

“Maria!” a voice yelled out forcing me to focus my attention on the voice that sounded so familiar. I stood in front of a man who looked awfully like Vincenzo, as realisation began to dawn on me, I realised who it was standing in front of me “Dante?” I questioned breathlessly.

Smiling he pulls me in a tight hug, shocked I freeze before easing in the hug, “am I dead?” I whispered. He chuckled and pulled away looking at me, his features were much softer than Vincenzo. He had a clean look, no beard but his jawline was so sharp I think it would give you a papercut and his, black hair fell at the perfect medium length seemingly shaping his face.

“No, you’re not dead. You’re in a coma … your soul is caught between the dead and living. You can only see me because of that, otherwise you’d just be going insane” he laughed, his laugh was contagious drawing you in making your insides fly with butterflies giving you a feeling so pure you feel it in your core. I smiled and shook my head “okay, so where are we?” I asked looking around, looking down at my feet we stood in sand, as I looked up the white surrounding area suddenly was filled with the sound and view of a beautiful blue water, I gasped watching myself be completely transported to the beach Isabella and I would visit as kids, “what’s happening?” I asked completely mesmerised.

“Since we are technically in your subconscious the place is transforming to a spot your brain feels most safe. I guess it’s the beach?” He laughed looking around taking in the view. I nodded my head as it all sunk in, “so is this really happening? Or is it like a dream?” I asked needing conformation if I was going insane.

“Oh, it’s real. You did say you couldn’t wait to meet me” He winked, I looked at him confused before recalling the hospital and what I told Lorenzo and Isabella.

“Wait you were there!” I yelled. He looks taken back by my sudden outburst laughing he shrugs.

“I’m always around, I have been since the day I died. I watch over my siblings all the time and I always watched after Isabella. You my dear were added to the list when you meet my siblings, given the fact that I’m dead I only watch and get attracted to those I’m connected too, so whenever anything happens to anyone of use it’s like a gust of wind I get sent there I walk around and watch everything like I’m really in the room, I can’t talk or touch anyone but I can make my presence known in other ways.” He explains softly.

I nodded my head trying to keep up “if you were in this state like me couldn’t you go back to your body?” I questioned softly not sure if I was out of line.

His face dropped as a sad expression took over, “my body and soul weren’t strong enough to fight … I tried so hard. Isabella’s cries over my body and then my brothers’ cries were what really woke me up, it was his voice that put me in this state. I watched as he hugged me, cried over me, and spoke to me it was the most painful experience I ever had to endure. I ran to him trying to tell him I was okay. That I was right next to him, but he couldn’t hear me, I tried to touch my body but to come back I needed strength and I just … I didn’t have it.” He exhaled softly recalling his death.