Page 60 of Conquer or Die

“So instead, as he promised to avenge and never forget me or his promise to me. I swore and promised to never leave his side to watch and protect him until he meets me here only then will I cross over.” I wrapped my arms around him pulling in for a tight hug “I’m so sorry” I whispered my heart aching hearing him speak, he hugged me back holding me tight as he exhaled a sigh.

“I miss him” he whispered staring off watching the wave’s crashing against the water, “he misses you so much” I whispered knowing Vincenzo’s deep love for his twin, he chuckled and nods his head “Oh I know, I feel everything he feels, I know what he thinks and whenever he says my name, I’m right there in front of him. My brother was never good at showing emotions but that changed when he met Isabella just like I knew it would” he laughed.

“I still remember when she stormed into his room to kill him”.

I pulled back abruptly shocked “what!” I gasp out, he laughs nodding “oh yeah” I shake my head “if Isabella wants someone dead, they always die” I point out he nods his head “I know that believe me why do you think I woke him up?” he added, I laugh shaking my head “you woke him up? How!” I laughed looking up at him.

“I may be dead but when the person is sleeping because they are in a state of vulnerability and not being ignorant to the endless possibilities of this world and the next. A barrier is lowered why do you think many people dream of their loved ones or when they wake up screaming, they swore they heard a loved one’s voice while they slept it’s because they did. I stood next to him and whispered ‘codice vipera’ which means code viper a deadly threat” I smiled nodding my head oh that pretty much sums up Isabella in a nutshell “that’s my sister” I say proudly.

He laughs and nods his head in agreement when suddenly, a gush of wind snaps me out of my thoughts suddenly being transported into a hospital room, “what’s happening?” he nods his head to the person laying on the bed … Isabella?

“What are you going to name him?” Lorenzo whispers, him? Oh, I gasped placing my hands over my mouth, my handsome nephew “he looks just like his dad” Dante whispered standing near the bed admiring our nephew, “Maria you got to see this” he whispers breath taken. I rush beside him and choke back tears looking at his innocent face as his tiny hands wrapped around Isabella’s finger. “Lorenzo, Sebastián, and Alex meet …” she pauses for dramatic effect everyone on the edge of their seats waiting for her to continue include myself and Dante.

“Dante King” she finally announces, my gasp subconsciously lifting my hands in the air as the widest grin overtook my features and pride settled over my whole body. I looked over at Dante who was crying as he looked at both his nephew who carries his name and my sister with so much love, I think he would combust in any moment.

“Hey Dante, look bud you got a cool name, so you’re set for life! You’re gonna be the coolest kid ever and I will make sure you’re safe your whole life. You uncle Dante has your back covered, so you just enjoy life and don’t worry about anything.” He whispered in the baby’s ear as tears continued to escape his down his face, I look over at the window and see Vincenzo with the exact same expressions as Dante, it’s scary how much they resemble one another and how connected they are every emotion was exact and judging from his face he just made the same promise to his son as Dante did too his nephew.

“Dante” I whispered for him getting his attention on the glass, he looked up and exhaled softly. He walked over to his brother and wrapped his arms around him, “you’re a dad bro! You’re going to be the best dad ever. I can feel your panic and fear, but I can also feel your love for that little boy. You’ll be a better father than ours ever was to us, I love you Vincenzo” he spoke into his shoulder knowing he can’t hear him, but I watched as Vincenzo stature calmed down as though Dante was really with him.

“Come on, you’ve been in a coma for very long there is still more you haven’t seen.” Dante called out and as he spoke another gust of wind blew through transporting me to Isabella and Vincenzo in a car.

“What-” I spoke but Dante cut me off, “these events have all occurred in a past time, you’re playing catch up” he smiled and nodded his head to the scene unfolding in front of us.Isabella pounds her fist against the car seat “oh she mad” I involuntary spoke up. It was like watching a movie nothing felt real. “Who gave you the right to protect me, Vincenzo?! The moment you forgot me I died! I no longer belong to you!” She hissed, visibly hurt and gutted. He leapt towards her his hands on the edge of the seat closing Isabella in, leaning closer to her face. “WELL, I BELONG TO YOU!”

The veins in his neck bulged as he shouted … “I belong to you,” he whispered.

I looked at Dante who shared the same reaction as me “even though I already witnessed this situation unfold … it gets me every time” he speaks up shocked at Vincenzo’s revelation. I nod my head and look back at the two of them missing a little bit of the conversation. Isabella sighed deeply ushering Vincenzo to come in and meet the baby officially, as they walked in Lorenzo was furious. I shook my head “his thinks with Vincenzo back in the picture that he will be pushed aside and his last tie to me will be severed, doesn’t he?” I whispered, Dante nodded his head softly “you know him better than anyone” Dante confirmed I smiled and looked at him … really looked at him. I felt so far away from him yet so close in the same breath, I could reach out to touch him, but the feeling felt so empty. Dante was crying and wouldn’t stop even when Isabella held him … until Vincenzo held him in his arms, he calmed down.

“That’s my brother” Dante cheered him on softly, I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder watching the tender moment unfold before me, “I knew he would be an amazing dad, I just knew it” I whispered smiling.

Another gush occurs and suddenly we are all in a bedroom as Vincenzo, my sister, Lorenzo, Ariana and Vincenzo’s men huddled in the room forming a circle screaming and chanting for Dante. I laughed feeling the excitement from the room absorb into me as both myself and Dante started screaming and cheering Dante on. He rolled over, as soon as he rolled over the room erupted in cheers and applaud me and Dante include.


“THAT’S MY STRONG BOY” Dante cheered by my side, I laughed and watched Dante clap along with the room. Everyone wanting to hold and kiss him, “can you imagine what they’ll do when he starts walking?” I laughed looking at Dante.

“I think a grand ball would be an appropriate form of celebration” Dante seriously spoke, I looked over him with an eyebrow raised he kept his features serious before a grin cracked through.

I rolled my eyes, and another gush gets blown through and suddenly we are in a room like a clinic Isabella sits she had her interrogation face on, oh no. I followed her eyes and landed on my parents I gasped shocked as fear settled in my stomach.

“What’s happening?” I whispered. he shook his head with a pained expression “watch” he pointed to the scene.

“Let’s have a peek, shall we?” Isabella piped up smiling about to open the file before mum snatched it out of her hands.

“If you do not pass the file back I promise you that before you won’t be Isabella but dragon and she hasn’t been woken up to her full extent since Spain, unless you want me to literally unleash all hell on the two of you I suggest that file be in my hand in the next ten seconds” my sisters tone cold and stern, she was daring them to disobey her. I nervously chewed on my lip feeling a mix of emotion from the room. Anger, frustration, anxiousness, fear, and an ounce of guilt. She counted down and immediately they caved handing her the file.

She opened the file her expression never changing, and I knew whatever she read in the file did not shock her, whatever my sister’s hunch was she was proven right, and I can’t tell if it devastated her or if she was numb to the disappointment.

“So, Mario, Sophia … or should I sayLuna Gonzalez and Romano Gonzalez” she smiled looking up at their terrified expressions, my eyes grew wide … their alias?

“Isabella” she put her hand up silencing them “No! You don’t get the right to Isabella me, you as a matter of fact get no rights what’s so ever, you have officially lowered your rank from fucked up parents to scum! You deserve nothing and will be shown no mercy” She made their fate crystal clear. “Do not expect the slightest kindness from me because I will show you none! I much rather show Xavier kindness than you in this moment.”

“How could she say such a thing! He held my parent’s captive he held my sister!” I yelled feeling angry and confused. Dante sighed and pointed with his eyes back at Isabella.

“The man who tortured and raped you?!” Mum shouted.

“Yes, Sophia that man, because if not thanks to you and your husband than he would not have been able to do any of that, if not for the two of you handing me over to him. None of this would have happened, so expect the same mercy you have showed me.” My eyes grew wide as my confusion know was replaced with anger and betrayal.

“WHAT!” I shouted my blood boiling; how could they do such a thing to her! Why? “Isabella you can’t kill your own mother” Sophia shouted desperation laced every word and she pleaded for her life. “Why?” Isabella cocked her head.