Page 58 of Conquer or Die

I turned around and examined Garcia’s expressions, unsure of how he was going to look at me he was watching me at my worst, but to my surprise he had a very satisfying smile on his features. “That’s my girl” he laughed out, giving me his sealing nod of approval.

Like he was finally at peace watching me slay my demons, I looked back at them their faces white like a ghost, it made me think for a second would I finally be at peace? Would killing them mean killing my inner demons? I smiled softly shrugging my shoulders I guess I’m about to find out.

I looked between the two of them as Sophia rushed to Mario’s side. I pulled her up by her hair pinning her against the wall I put the knife against her throat, “you could have prevented all this. You may not have done as much evil as your husband, but you still don’t deserve to live” she looked into my eyes mentally pleading me to let go and spare her life, but that was never going to happen.

I looked down at Mario who looked up at me with genuine fear watching and anticipating my next move. “Sophia.” He called out for her, she looked at him waiting for him to reassure her.

“This is all your fault … but I love you so much” He spoke up, I rolled my eyes disgusted.

“Before you go, I just wanted to get my peace out-” with one swift move I slit open her throat cutting him off mid-sentence, her blood splattered all over me, I licked my lips maintaining eye contact with Mario, I let go of her throwing her on the floor, as Mario lets out a scream rushing to her side. “You don’t deserve peace … none of you do”. He looked up at me fury in his eyes “you killed her!” he shouted.

I laughed rolling my eyes at his obvious statement. “No, I didn’t she’s just asleep” I pointed at her with my knife as the blood dripped from the tip of the blade. “Oh, don’t worry Mario. You can see her soon” I innocently piped up with a huge smile on my face.

“You’re fucking insane” he yelled his body still hovering over her body.

“Did it take you 25 years to figure that out?” I questioned mocking him.

“For someone who watched me throughout everything, the torture, then me becoming dragon. I would have assumed you knew exactly what kind of grave you dug yourself into.” I approached him but he scampered back terrified, I smiled in pure satisfaction watching him so terrified about what his I have installed for him.

I looked at him in pity “If you didn’t do what you did to me, you know what if you had a small amount of genuine remorse, I would take pity on you. I would feel sorry for you I probably wouldn’t touch you Id just banish you from New York. However, time has proven time and time again that given the opportunity you would stab me in the back and if you could, you would send me back to Xavier and make sure I stay there until I die.”

I went to approach him but stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes transforming into a dark, evil glare. The depths of my eyes now held a cold and calculated stare, as if they become windows into the abyss of my soul. I premeditated the perfect plan to torture Mario in the most wicked and thought-out way I could ever come up with. A wicked smile curls upon my lips, slowly spreading unnaturally across my face. It is a smile filled with a twisted satisfaction and anticipation.

The corners of my mouth stretch wide, revealing a perverse delight in the imminent chaos that is about to unfold. In that moment, my eyes and smile align, merging to create a terrifying image. One that made Mario shake in pure fear, “w-w-what are you going to do to me?” he stuttered out.

“Nothing I do with my own hands will scar or hurt you as much as your own personal phobia” I laughed out watching his eyes widen with realisation, I whistled out calling the men at the door, I saw them open the door cautiously poking their head scared what they might see.

I rolled my eyes you would think having Vincenzo as a boss they would be used to these sights and having me here for years they should definitely be used to my ‘methods’.

“Get my wolves ready” I instructed him, “wolves?” he questioned shocked. I laughed, remembering I special instructed professionals to gather my three Gysinge wolfs, man-eating wolves to be specific, no better guard dogs than that. My wolves are my babies, if they get hurt, I’ll tear anything to shreds but my pure baby wolves, they were my pride and joy.

I remember having them when I worked for Xavier, of course he didn’t know I had them under my possession and control however, I always planned on using them on Xavier but now they serve a much stronger purpose.

“You’re going to use my Vorarephilia against me!” he shouted. I laughed out loud feeling genuine joy coursing through my veins, the man who left me for dead, the man who willingly sat by and watched another man rape and abuse me deserved nothing less than an equally painful end.

“You’re a smart pup, figure it out” I dismissed the men to wake up my wolves, they are due for a feed.

“Isabella are you sure about this? They’re dangerous” Garcia broke my train of thought, I spun on my heel facing him.

“I saved them from death as pups, wolves are a lot of things, but they are extremely loyal. I saved and cared for them. They are only loyal to me.” I reassured him, tucking Vincenzo’s knife in my waistband. I pulled Mario up by his throat and instructed Lucas to also grab Sophia’s body and follow me.

We walked for what felt like half an hour, I had to keep my babies away from any living creature. Like I said they’re loyal, but only to me. If they see or sense another scent that isn’t my own, they will not hesitate but to go for the kill. Finally approaching the big metal barn house. On occasion I would come for training, feeding, and letting them loose to run and stretch but I tended to keep that to myself not wanting to explain why I have them in the first place.

“Stay far away!” I instructed the men along with Garcia.

“No one is to come any closer under any circumstances, my wolves will attack any unknown predator and I want to enjoy watching this kill.” I tightened my grip on Mario’s hair as he tried running away.

I could already hear my babies howling and banding against the metal doors, they sensed unknown scents near me, and they are in kill mode. I smiled feeling so much pride at how ready they are to protect me, one thing I learnt a long time ago was I could never trust humans, but my animals? I trusted with my life.

“ISABELLA PLEASE!” Mario shouted. I could hear in his voice how petrified he was getting. His whole body was getting ready to shut down.

“When Xavier was touching me, and I screamed out for you. What did you do behind closed doors?” I questioned.

Not getting any answers I nodded my head knowingly, “it brings me so much peace knowing that the last thing you will hear before your death is my mocking laughter.” I turned around and instructed for the men to leave.

Without another word they could see by my face I was serious, turning around they all ran off. I smirked taking the knife from my waistband I stabbed him in his legs multiple times, making it almost impossible for him to run for long. “Run little puppy” I whispered in his ear letting go. He tried to stand on his feet but failed falling to the floor after every couple of steps. I laughed taking the lock off the door opening it wide they bowed in front of me turning their heads to Mario limping. They turned around anxiously waiting for my command, “matar!” (KILL).

I gave them permission and without a second to waste they chased after him.