Page 48 of Conquer or Die

“Get me Garcia now!” I shout pointing at Hacker also ushering him to follow me, if we are going to get him back, we are gonna need all the help we can get. Making my way inside the house I point at Lorenzo, bullseye, Fico, and Luca.

Opening the door to the meeting room we all gather around as everyone stands around, I throw the crumbled polaroid on the table for everyone to see. Everyone bows their heads. Lorenzo slammed his fist on the table while the rest exchanged frustrated sighs.

“How is it possible for someone to kidnap Vincenzo? He has the reflexes of a cat if someone sneaks up on him, he senses it” Lorenzo spits throwing his hands in the air.

“Maybe he was distracted” Hacker points out, I shake my head. “Whatever happened, happened. What we need now is to get him back God knows what Xavier is doing to him in there.” My jaw locking in place just thinking about it, the photo shows Vincenzo tied up with a gag in his mouth and needles sticking out of him, “I don’t know what his giving him, but I know it won’t end well”.

“I’ll kill him. This man needs to burn in flames with his skin peeled off, this ends now” I grunt through my teeth.

“How do we know its Xavier?” Lorenzo chirps up, I shake my head “the building the photo was taken in is the very place he would take me during our trips to New York … to interrogate someone it’s perfect, secluded and a lot of space to work. Besides who else would do this? Vincenzo has many enemies, but none bold enough to kidnap him. Xavier is many things, but I’ll give him this he has guts.” I hear the haul of cars outside, poking my head out the window I see Garcia and his men step out of the car.

“Hacker grab our guests” I nod, he rushes out following orders. “What’s the plan?”

“All we can do is ambush, but the risky part is they’re probably expecting an ambush, we need to be careful but the only way to get him back is to go there.” I shake my head running my fingers through my hair “I have no fucking clue what we’re going to do” I shout frustrated and angry at the universe, “maybe I can help” Garcia speaks up from the door with his signature reassuring smile.

I sigh relieved rushing over to him. He opens his arms waiting for me as I crash into him holding on tight. Immediately embracing me in his arms he soothes me rubbing circles on my back “It’s okay Isabella … rememberyou are as fierce, as brave, as dangerous, and as majestic as a dragon ...el dragón” the sound of his voice brought me so much peace it immediately calmed me down, I couldn’t pin point where I heard that phrase, it was like someone always use to whisper that to me when I was scared, my head was fuzzy with everything going on I couldn’t focus on anything except on getting Vincenzo back.

I stepped back and nodded my head taking in a deep breath. “Okay let’s get to work” Garcia claps as we all stand around the table.

I shake my head feeling my nerves worsening, I need Vincenzo, please dear god let him be okay I just got him back. I looked over at Garcia who sees the panic on my face, his face dropped from my expression as if he remembered something, he quickly recovered and smiled nodding his head “Isabella you’re okay, you got this tap into that fire” he nodded giving me a reassuring smile, letting a similar smile overtake my features I nod my head. “Here’s the plan.”

“No one knows this building as well as me, we need surveillance around the area, we won’t have any near the building for miles, but it’s a one road and the building is on a dead-end street so however many cars go in the area is how many men we need to consider. Hacker, you think you can get me the footage now?” I ask putting urgency on the matter, “five minutes” he rushes out getting to work, looking around I continue “if the count of men is more than his usual amount, we will need to get Garcia’s men involved to outnumber and surround the building without losing both our and Garcia’s men. He has Vincenzo King tied up vulnerable but not entirely contained, he wouldn’t risk having the appropriate manpower knowing Vincenzo’s capability he would have armed it to the teeth to ensure his own safety and Vincenzo’s vulnerable state.”

I move over to the computer and pull up a 3D visual of the building, projecting it on the screen, I move over zooming in the image turning it into a 3D blueprint.

“We kept the interrogations mainly on the third floor” I point.

“It was the most spacious, meaning there is a lot of room and in his eyes a lot can go wrong, the more space means more room for error and if something happens, he won’t be able to control it, if he got loose in such a spacious room full of knifes and needles as we saw in the polaroid. Vincenzo would kill all of them but have fun with Xavier and he knows that which is why he put Vincenzo in here” I zoomed into the first floor and tapped the room to the far left.

“This is a supply closest big enough to fit two people but not big enough to allow any errors.” I added turning back around to face the group. “Let’s go” I ushered everyone while ushering for Garcia to hang back. “Are you okay?” he whispered as everyone rushed out, I smiled weakly and nodded “Isabella I think I know you well enough to know that you’re one hundred percent not okay” he grabbed my hands holding them tightly in his own smiling gently at me. I let out a sigh before breaking down crying, he pulls me in immediately for a hug holding me tight while I sobbed in his chest.

“Shh, it’s going to be okay I promise you” he whispered reassuringly in my ear, I nodded my head in his chest not ready to let go just yet, “I just … I’m so tired. Oh my god, I’m so tired.” I cried feeling so exhausted, in a matter of a year I lost my sister, I was kidnapped and hunted down again by Xavier, I was in hospital, I lost Vincenzo more times than I can count and now I lost my parents again … but this time it hurts more than it did when I thought they were dead.

“I know Bella, I know. Listen, life if tough, but so are you. I have never known a girl who has gone through as much as you and is still going out kicking and swinging. Looking for the good in the bleak of all the darkness she had to endure and continues to endure. Choosing to be here and be present when the universe gave her little reason to be, you possess so much power in your pinkie then most do in their entire bodies. Take a moment marvel at your life, at the grief that softened you. The heartache that wisened you, and at the suffering that strengthed you. Despite everything, you’re still here healing and growing. Be proud of that because I sure am so proud of you” I stepped back poking my head up looking at Garcia as the tears weld up in my eyes and my bottom lip quivered hearing him speak, something about his voice resonated with me it settled in my heart a soft warm feeling a feeling id only ever felt with Vincenzo … a feeling of safety.

“Thank you, Garcia.” I whispered softly hugging him one more time, “I’m not ready to let go yet” I softly muttered in his chest, he let out a relieved sigh “good because neither am I”.

We stayed like that for another twenty or so minutes before we finally pulled apart and agreed It was time for me to wipe my tears and gear up. However not before he went and saw his baby, laughing I smiled and got Lorenzo to take him to Dante while I got ready.


Pulling up at the building I scanned the area, “there’s no men guarding the place” I muttered out looking over at Lorenzo, who had the same puzzled expression on his face. “Either Xavier wanted us to get him, or he didn’t plan on me knowing the location… I think he wanted us to get him but why?” I questioned, getting out of the car I waved out and sent everyone back home leaving only Lorenzo and Bullseye with me in case.

Everyone cleared out while we entered the building through the side window, just as we entered the room the noise of Vincenzo’s groaning, I signalled for the men to split up and find him, each one of us going our own way I made my way to the top floor while Lorenzo and Bullseye scanned the bottom.

Pulling out my gun I walk keeping my guard up expecting anything as I got closer to Vincenzo’s groaning.

“Come on boy one more” I heard a man’s voice, alarmed I bent over the staircase and ushered for Lorenzo and Bullseye to come. Storming in the very dark room all I could see was a dark silhouette standing over a very dazed Vincenzo, the second he saw us standing he dropped the needle and ran. The boys ran after him, he jumped out the window. “Fuck go around!” Lorenzo shouted going down the staircase chasing after him while Bullseye jumped out the window.

“Vincenzo baby” I rushed out, running up to him. I pulled the blindfold from his eyes, “Isabella?” he called out squinting.

“It’s me, baby I’m here” I untied him and wrapped my arms around his neck holding him tight, he wrapped his arms around my waist weakly “I’m okay” he reassured me his voice still groggy even after being poked with needles and on the brink of passing out he was trying to calm me down, so I don’t stress. This man right here is my person.

I took a second to scan him making sure he was as okay as he claimed to be, he didn’t look like he was beaten or tortured nothing expect for those small needle holes in his arms.

“Come on” I helped him up pulling his arm over my shoulder, aiding him as we walked down the stairs and into the car, “careful” I whispered laying him down in the back of the car.

“We fucking lost him” Lorenzo cursed approaching me.