Page 47 of Conquer or Die


“Okay enough!” Mario shouted he spun looking at me more directly his facial expression was meant to threaten me but all it did was infuriate me even more. Does he honestly think he was the least bit threatening? I never feared him as a child let alone now.

“Six” I spat in his face showing him his little show did nothing.

“You are not getting that file back and you are going to let us out of here” he laid out his rules cocking a smile I raised my eyebrows up making a ‘tsk’ sound.


“Isabella!” he yelled.


within a second the file was placed back in my hands I smirked victorious, “why did you give it back?” he yelled at mum getting angrier with each passing second knowing that their lives as we know it was in the palm of my hands. Literally.

“Because if she didn’t, we all know exactly what would have happened” I answered his question, opening the folder not having much of an expression already knowing that my worst fears came true.

“So, Mario, Sophia … or should I sayLuna Gonzalez and Romano Gonzalez” I smiled looking up at their terrified expressions, “Isabella” I put my hand up silencing them “No! You don’t get the right to Isabella me, you as a matter of fact you get no rights what’s so ever, you have officially lowered your rank from fucked up parents to scum! You deserve nothing and will be shown no mercy” I made their fate crystal clear,

“Do not expect the slightest kindness from me because I will show you none! I much rather show Xavier kindness than you in this moment” I calmly explained making sure to keep my cool tapping back into my old self.

“The man who tortured and raped you?!” Sophia shouted “Yes Sophia that man, because if not thanks to you and your husband than he would not have been able to do any of that, if not for the two of you handing me over to him. None of this would have happened. I will however say one thing expect the same mercy you have showed me.”

I turned around preparing to call the guards in to take them to the basement and imprison them down there until I wrap my head around everything, “Isabella you can’t kill your own mother” Sophia shouted desperation laced every word as she pleaded for her life.

“Why?” I cocked my head looking at her.

“It’s inhumane!” she shouted failing miserably to plea her case. “Just as inhumane as throwing your daughter into the hands of a man who will deliberately torture her both emotionally and mentally! Forcing her to feel so numb and desperate for any kind of human touch and affection that she works side by side for the very man who broke her. All because of some stupid revenge that began long before she was born. What’s even worse is you were in the other room, watching, witnessing, and hearing every scream, every plea, every prayer, and every soul crushing cry … and chose to do nothing. That’s. Inhumane.” I spat standing up straight.

“Take them to the basement now” I ordered the guard dropping my tone of voice dangerously low feeling all my emotional rational sides fade away.

“You both were never emotionally scarred or sick … but you will be” I threaten smirking at the two of them as their faces completely drop.

Making my exit hearing the commotion from behind me as they struggle against the guards dragging them out.


I somehow found myself driving to Maria, something I often find myself doing whether it be because I’m facing crisis or because I simply just miss her. I need her more than ever right now and if she was here, she would know exactly what to do, and if she didn’t, she would go through every possible step alongside me, so I wasn’t facing it alone. I parked the car and started making my way slowly to the grave Dante in my arms eagerly wanting to get to his aunties grave “I miss her too baby” kissing his cheek.

Getting closer to the grave I saw a man lurking in the far shadows, I tightened my hold on Dante looking out into the distance before the figure vanishes. I shake my head looking back out “I think I’ve officially lost my mind” I sigh exhausted. Sitting in front of her grave I smile tracing the engraved stone with the tip of my finger ‘Maria Knight.’

“Hi flower, Dante and I were missing you … thought we would visit you” I spoke softly as Dante rested his head on my chest his hand out trying to reach the headstone. “I did what you made me promise, I bring Dante over all the time, and we always tell him stories about you before bed, it’s Lorenzo’s favourite thing to do. Maria nighttime adventures he calls it” I sniffle a laugh shaking my head, “we all miss you so much hermona” I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from crying.

“There is so much happening, it’s so overwhelming and I’m literally caught between a stone and a wall with those body piercing spikes. I know what I want to do, what I would always resort in doing but then I know what you would want me to do, or at least what I think you’d want.” I let out a deep breath.

“You were always such a forgiving soul, but when it came to someone hurting me you saw red, but what would you do if you knew the person who caused all the pain, hurt and distance between us were the very people we called mum and dad … what would you say then?” I looked at her headstone imagining she was sitting here with me, “would you forgive them because they’re our parents … or would you see red?” I started chewing my inner cheek getting lost in my own train of thoughts.

I want them dead, I want them to suffer for everything they caused me, for everything they made me endure … but then I think of Maria if she were here alive, and healthy would she forgive me for killing our parents? For depriving her of them? Or would she see them in the same light as me? I lower my head down getting a headache as this overwhelming pressure start’s building up inside me.

Just then I see Dante giggling reaching his hands up at the sky, my eyes tearing up I look up letting out a happy sigh “hey sis” I smile looking up at the sky as Dante continues to giggle and play with whatever he seems to see in front of him.


After a peaceful hour, it started getting chilly as the wind picked up, I hugged Dante to my chest and made our way back to the car. Opening the door and buckling in my baby I gave him a quick peck on the forehead, “I love you, miLeone.” I whispered before closing the door making my way to my side of the car before something caught my attention on the windscreen whipper. “What the …” I reached over picking up what looked like a polaroid my eyes widening seeing who was in the picture. I crumble it in my hand feeling my blood boil, grabbing my phone I dial Lorenzo’s number “Xavier’s got Vincenzo” I throw the polaroid in the car and make my way back to the estate.


Jumping out of the car I usher for the men to grab Dante, “his asleep be gentle and don’t let him out of your sight!” I order charging my way through the men to get inside.