Page 49 of Conquer or Die

“How?” I asked looking at them both “a car pulled up straight away and he got away. Sneaky bastard” bullseye added, I shook my head “Xavier always had a getaway close and handy, so he did want us to get Vincenzo … but why? I need to know his end game … let’s get him home and taken care of then we can talk about all of it.” We all got in the car and made our way home.


Getting home we got Vincenzo in the shower cleaning him up after we got him checked up at the clinic and some tests done, we have to wait an hour for the results so I figured we should get him cleaned up in the meantime and some food in his system. I sent Lorenzo to get the chef to prepare him some food while I helped him shower.

“Okay, lean on me” wrapping his lower body in a towel, he leans on me as we made our way to the bedroom, he managed to gather enough strength and put on his boxer shorts and his sweats, he looked weak, so I quickly made my way to his side and helped him lay down on the bed.

“Isabella … I need to tell you something”.

“I don’t remember much, but I do remember him saying Isabella will finally get what she deserves from me.” He pointed to himself. “What?” I questioned growing concerned.

“I don’t know what he meant, and I don’t want to find out. Leave please.” He begged looking defenceless.

“Just until I’m back to myself again, one week. I don’t want to see you hurt and I rather light myself on fire than be the one to cause your end. Isabella please I don’t think I can survive hurting you one more time. If I know I caused you pain it will end me.”

I sat next to him and nuzzled into him “I promised to never leave again no matter what. We’ll get through it, we always do. I’m not going anywhere and if what he said was true, you would have tried hurting me already.” I added, he let out a breath.

“Okay that’s true maybe I heard him wrong.” He added, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Do you remember who ‘he’ was?” I emphasised, looking up at him. He shook his head starring off into the distance “his voice was extremely familiar but he hid himself in the dark then blindfolded me so I wouldn’t see him face.”

“Xavier has always been one to play in the dark” I added feeling aggravated, I felt Vincenzo’s body temperature drop, “do you want a blanket?” I asked getting off him, he looked over at me his entire body shaking, “Vincenzo?” I yelled out officially starting to panic, his eyes rolled back, and foam started falling out of his mouth.

I screamed jumping back calling the nurse, they came rushing in to aid Vincenzo as I ran out not being able to see him like that.

“It’s okay Isabella, he was drugged multiple times in a span of a day. I think it’s just withdrawals.” Lorenzo tried soothing me, I shook my head. “My ‘parents’ would know exactly what he was given. They worked with Xavier for years if anyone is going to know what’s happening it’s them”.

I stormed away and went down straight to the basement, “what fucking drug did Xavier dose Vincenzo” I burst out, storming up to them.

“What?” Mama blurts out confused and visibly exhausted.

“What. Drug.” My voice dropping, while simultaneously my hands balled into a fist.

“How the fuck are we supposed to know that?” Mario shouts insulted.

“You worked with the man for years, probably giving him thousands of new ways to break and torture me. I’m positive you know exactly what this drug is, and im even more sure that you supplied him those drugs. Do you think I forgot all our business meetings you took me along when I was a kid? Do you think I was so niave I never understood anything? Or are you that stupid you forgot I was the brain behind your empire! So, I will ask one more time. What. Drug” I threatened getting in his face.

“You have some fucking nerve getting in my face and accusing me of such things” he yelled, not blinking a wicked smile overtook my features.

“Really? Are you trying to sound threatening? Do you honestly believe you have the upper hand in this situation? I will and can easily kill you right now and not blink or lose a wink of sleep over it.” I threatened.

“Then why haven’t you?” he added getting cocky, I smirked “your death won’t be quick, I will make sure it stretches for as long as I can, I will use every day for the next two years to invent new ways to torture you, one day for every second I was locked in that basement foolishly calling you for help. I will make your life a living hell, I will take away your ability to sleep, to feel and most of all I will break you until you are nothing but a shell of what you use to be. I won’t stop even when your soul tries to leave your body, I’ll pull it back and keep going, a soul like yours doesn’t deserve rest. Does that answer your question ‘papa’?” I snickered watching the colour drain from his face.

I take a step back wanting to go check on Vincenzo, I hear the tear of the ropes that bounded him lunging towards me he swings the chair over my head “I’ll kill you first” he yelled, going in for a second swing I faintly hear him struggle against someone.

“Don’t you dare touch my daughter” I hazily heard before collapsing on the floor everything around me turned black.


Isabella’s POV

Opening my eyes my vision was still blurry looking around the room, I fixated my gaze on Lorenzo who was hovering over me worried, “are you okay?” he asked seeing me waking up. I nodded my head slowly still feeling groggy, “what happened?” I breathed out coughing immediately my throat was as dry at the desert. He hands me a glass of water helping me sit up right, taking a sip he elaborates further. “You passed out in the basement. I think your dad knocked you out I’m not sure.” My body tensed up hearing him use the term ‘dad’ my grip around the glass cup tightened causing it to shatter in my hands.

“His not my father” I spat feeling the rage in me grow the more I think about him and what he did. “The guards carried you out and called the nurse” he cautiously continued explaining while tending to my hand. “I’m fine” I uttered wanting him to stop, “clearly” he rolled his eyes ignoring me.

‘Don’t you dare touch my daughter’ a voiced echoed in my head. “Who else was in the basement with me?” I blurted out looking intensely at Lorenzo “I’m not sure honestly with all the chaos I wasn’t exactly fixated on my surroundings, between you and Vincenzo the estate has never been this much havoc.”

My eyes widened remembering Vincenzo, I jumped up out of the bed and started running towards our bedroom, looking to make sure Vincenzo was okay. Upon entering our room, I saw him laying peacefully on the bed asleep, Lorenzo catching up to me stops behind me catching his breath “why!” he gasps out of breath, rolling my eyes sheepishly I turned around.