Page 32 of Conquer or Die

“Control the movement with both arms and redirect any cross attack using the opponents force against him.” He goes to throw a left punch my right hand that was rested on his left, now clutched his wrist redirecting him to the side.

“Twist my arm up and put pressure on my neck. Make sure you have control over your arm and lock the elbow.” I smirk feeling satisfied with his new position.

“Okay” he informs me to let go but I just stay like this for a minute.

“Isabella!” He grunts, I smirk letting go mimicking his previous smug expression.

“Cazzo” he curses under his breath before moving aside.

“Come on” he waves me over “now that you caught on. Let’s do it for real. Ready?” He asks.

“Yes” I answer waiting for him to throw the punch, but he just stood there looking at me I got up from my stance and put my hands up “what are you doi-” Cutting me off he throws a punch, quickly slipping aside I move it away, he swings his left faster than I thought but I redirect it aside.

I twist his arm up putting pressure on his neck and locking the elbow. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT” I yelled at how he abruptly thew the punch. Letting go of him he straightens his posture and shrugs.

“If someone is going to try and punch you Isabella they won’t ask if you’re ready. You need to be alert” he grabs his towel and water bottle taking off his shirt he walks over to the treadmill.

“You’re done for today, but tomorrow be ready. This was your first gym session since the baby you learnt one technique today don’t worry, I plan to work you out tomorrow get rest” he smirked knowing how that would sound. I rolled my eyes turning around before he saw the smirk that made its way to my lips.

Dashing off I go upstairs and jump in the shower quickly stripping and stepping foot underneath the hot water, I sighed as the water fell onto my skin, I took a moment feeling the hot water land on my arms making my body shudder at the sudden heat.

I looked up at the shower head my eyes closed as the water fell over my face smiling feeling somewhat peaceful, “Isabella! Dante’s fussing” Lorenzo shouted from the bedroom door I laughed shaking my head “give him to his dad I’ll be out in a minute” I shouted from the shower and quickly rushed to get clean.

Can’t imagine Vincenzo and Dante alone … what a disaster I mentally teased laughing.


Going through my closet I hummed trying to figure out what to wear, I ranked my eyes through the various clothes and smirked pulling out a black crop corset and light blue ripped denim jeans. Pairing them with my white and grey Jordans.

As I’m walking out of the bedroom, I let my hair loose from its previous ponytail and make my way to the living room, “Lorenzo where’s Dante?” I asked concerned.

“With his dad like you said” he mocked like I should know the answer “yes …” I huffed taking a deep breath “but where-” cutting he off he shoots up and gasps.

“What!” I jumped back alarmed he gestures to my body and does another exaggerated gasp.

“Lorenzo what!” I scream looking down dusting myself off in case there was a spider on me.

“You’re … dressed” he explained, I looked at him eyes wide and irritated. “THATS WHAT YOU-” I cut myself off grabbing a pillow I chase after him hitting him with it repeatedly.

“Son of a bitch” he curses trying to block the hits.

“Okay. OKAY!” He yelled out grabbing the pillow from my hand giving me a death stare that couldn’t hurt a puppy, but I faked scared “ooh scary” I shudder rubbing my arms. “Idiota” I mumbled under my breath.

He looked at me cheeky with a wide grin, “come on I didn’t mean that you looked ugly before but we gotta admit you let yourself go honey.” He pointed at me.

I widened my eyes, my mouth slightly hung open with a humorous after tone. “Excuse me” I breathed out, “you look hot now though glad to have you back” he winked. I blew the loose strand of hair out of my face and rolled my eyes, crossing my arms he widened his smile “come on smile” I looked at him like he lost his mind “it was a compliment I promise” he smiles crossing his heart.

I continued staring at him with the same expression, “come on smiling is contagious” he whined throwing his hands up I rolled my eyes “don’t worry I'm vaccinated against it” now it was his turn to roll his eyes “honey just before you go ... who you dressed up for? A certain stubborn ass perhaps?” He scratched his chin deep in thought.

I looked at him like he had gone mad “I just felt like getting dressed” he burst out in the most sarcastic condescending laugh “denial looks so bad on you” he continued laughing.

I let out an exhausted huff and wandered off.

“The two stubborn men are in the gym” he called out.

I raised an eyebrow making my way to the gym “what could he do with a baby in a gym?” I wondered aloud to myself, turning the corner I stand in the doorway staring at the two of them.

I stand there invisible to the two of them as they entertain one another Vincenzo standing behind the bar as he slowly let’s go of Dante while my baby grips the steel bar hanging off of it, Vincenzo protectively standing close behind his hands under him in case he lets go.