Page 33 of Conquer or Die

“That’s my boy!” He cheers him on as Dante giggles and let’s go of the bar catching him, he holds him above his head and kisses his temple. “Come on you can spot me” he baby talks, I covered my mouth quickly to muffle a laugh, I have never heard him speak in a baby voice I don’t know if it’s cute or plain comedic watching a Mafia boss act like that.

Vincenzo spots me at the door with my amused expression “You do realise I’ll have to kill you now” he states looking at me I shrug my shoulder, “I will happily let you kill me if you do it in that voice” I smiled back wide and stepped inside going towards Dante.

Vincenzo goes to speak before staring at me in shock, I looked at him worried “what?” looking down at myself and behind me in the mirror to see if I had any stains. He exhaled and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, I smirked realising what was happening and shook my head.

Grabbing Dante out of his arms I held him close to my chest and looked back at Vincenzo who was shamelessly ranking my body up and down “you might want to go” he whispered out, I looked at him confused “because if you don’t I might have to pay for Dante’s therapy” my eyes going wide, looking up at him my eyes full of lust like his beautiful grey eyes.

“Go Isabella” he warned me, I smirked and walked out getting the exact reaction I intend on, I slowed down my pace as the realisation that I dressed myself up to get a rise out of Vincenzo … huh maybe I am in denial? I paused for a second looking at Dante who gave me a confused look “Nah” I denied it.


I wandered into the new clinic we had on the estate and saw my parents talking, they looked so deep in conversation that when I walked in, they jumped up like they were scared if I heard what they were saying, or like teenagers getting caught smoking by their parents.

“You, okay?” I asked feeling uneasy, they both smiled nodding their heads, but my dad looked very off, I edged closer to mum and sat beside her, “are you feeling, okay? Is it being stuck in this hospital environment making you get PTSD?” I questioned feeling genuinely concerned.

They shook their heads no, but no one was saying a word, and a very sick feeling began settling in the pit of my stomach. I looked at them both uneasy but before I could say anything Vincenzo’s voice cut me off “Isabella” I looked at him and then back at my parents before slowly standing up and leaving the two of them alone once again.

Before approaching Vincenzo, I walked by the nurses designated for them specifically “keep a closer eye on them” I nodded my head at her, she understood and nodded her head yes “Yes, boss” and with that she walked off.

I haven’t heard someone calling me boss since the time Vincenzo … I shook my head not wanting to think about it.

I approached Vincenzo who looked at me weary “what was that?” He asked and nodded his head in the direction of my parents. I looked up at him as we started making our way back to the house “I can honestly say I don’t know” I drifted off “if you need time with them yo-” I shook my head sternly.

“No, come on let’s go” I took the lead and made our way upstairs into his office.

I smiled widely seeing Garcia sitting in the chair “Marcel!” I cheered and ran towards him giving him a tight squeeze which he gladly returned “my sweet girl” he whispered admiringly into the hug. I pulled away smiling, I turned seeing Vincenzo giving me a weird look before he moved me aside and gave the old man a hug.

“Nice to see you again old man” Vincenzo smiled welcoming him. “I may be old, but I can still kick your butt” he warned pointing his finger at him. I sniffled a laugh and looked up, the office was full of Garcia’s trusted inner circle and Vincenzo’s most trusted men. “I thought the five families were supposed to be here?” I question looking in between the two of them.

“They will be informed when they fit the picture” Vincenzo chimes up, “besides you learn not to trust anyone. Not even the five families, every mafia is for themselves the only one I trust with my life is Garcia” He turned to look at Garcia giving him a grateful smile.

Garcia smiled nodding his head a look of sympathy washing over his features, telling me he knows something deeper about Vincenzo than anyone else. Which would make sense since Garcia has known Vincenzo since he was a little boy.

“Okay let’s begin” Garcia claps as he sits down in his chair, he ushers for his men to join him by sitting. Vincenzo also gives his men a nod indicating it’s okay for them to take a seat.

“We have underestimated them, as hard as it is for me to say it. It’s time we start planning for the real war, properly and a lot more precise than our previous attacks. No more sly attacks, I want this place to go up in flames.” Vincenzo began looking over at me to cue me to chime in.

“Xavier is anything but brave, but what he is, is conniving and very good at brain washing people. He managed to get the Salvatore’s under his command, making this whole game a lot harder than we originally thought” I spoke up, looking at Vincenzo.

“That’s why this time when we attack it won’t be child’s play because we are dealing with a mafia that is literally threatening the King’s, now it’s time to remind them what and who the Kings are.” He explained to the room moving over to his desk and grabbing a blueprint.

“Recently I have contacted my moles in the Salvatore mafia along with requiting more of my workers in the strip club, bars, restaurants and so forth to keep an eye and listening to everything they say. After giving them a photo of how they looked and how his inner circle looked, Isabella informed the ladies to place a mic on a table and keep it open only seating those in the photos on it. Recording many conversations” He smirked feeling proud and I couldn’t help but smirk with him.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes and drew a heart in the air only for me to see, I squinted my eyes at him acting like I couldn’t see him. Vincenzo looked over at me and ushered for me to continue, “After the mics were implanted in specific private rooms, restart tables, poker tables and so forth we have gathered very useful information. For example,” I extended my hand out to Vincenzo, he gave me one of the blueprints and stood next to me.

I smirked and opened it on the table gracing my hand over it, “we got the exact blueprint of their hideout, a hideout they believe to be completely safe, hidden and most importantly impossible to find. Especially because it’s in Italy we believe they are planning something soon” I pointed my finger up “in their defence it would have been impossible to find but thankfully Xavier and Salvatore’s inner circle of men gossip more than us females” I shrugged.

“With this we can infiltrate within the walls, roofs and so forth. This is our ticket to give an attack none of them will see coming. When the time comes” I smirked looking at everyone in the room who had a very interested facial expressions plastered on their faces.

I stepped aside allowing Vincenzo to finish off “I don’t want to make any moves until we have all the information I need, all the training I see fit and most importantly until I know we can do this with as little deaths. No pre-mature moves, Garcia myself and Isabella will be in many meetings to discuss the depths of what our move will be. This blueprint is only our first step, there will be many more to come. As of right now I want everyone to start getting ready, sharpen your training along with the trainees, Lorenzo and Bullseye I need the two of you to make sure all the recruits we have do the work we need, scooping, and getting small jobs we need done to strike a little fear in their hearts.” He started giving off orders.

“Hacker, I need you to work with Garcia’s tech Alex and begin getting into their systems, I’m talking about everything from their phones to their houses if you can.” He looked at Hacker who had a smug look on his face “if I can?” He retorted making Vincenzo roll his eyes.

“The rest of you, you know exactly what to do. I want to see everyone training and getting ready. This time no fuck ups.”


After about another twenty minutes the meeting was over, Garcia dismissed his men telling them to go outside by the car or mingle if they pleased while he spoke to myself and Vincenzo.