He groans holding the side of his arm “oh sure because punching me in front of him is fine, he doesn’t understand what the fuck I’m fucking saying.” He yelled out gesturing towards Dante.
I punched him three times again, he jumps up and storms off somewhere deeper in the kitchen mumbling under his breath. “Fucking can’t even curse in my own fucking home, stupid strong bitch punching me. Dumb annoying brother won’t make me food”.
I rolled my eyes laughing at him, “idiota” I mumbled. Looking down at my plate, freshly made chocolate chip pancakes. “Thank you” I smiled up at Vincenzo, he nods his head smiling before ushering me to eat again.
After food Ariana took Dante out for some fresh air, while I went upstairs and got dressed, Vincenzo walked into the room admiring my figure. I turned looking at him “What?” I questioned softly.
He shrugged his shoulder “it’s time for your training get ready” he answered my question “Gym in ten.”
I huffed fucking great.
I snuck around the back of the clinic opening the back door slowly, “I’m here for the short-term memory loss pills trial don’t fucking know” Vincenzo blurts out.
The receptionist laughs nodding her head, “just sign this form and we can enlist you as a subject” she smiled “what’s your name?” She smiled looking at him. “Leonardo Garcia” smart not giving her his real name, but I knew him I knew him too well. I was going to fuck his life like he did mine, I’m going to make her hate him and come to me.
“You know what let me think about it a bit and I’ll come back next week for the pill box.” He nodded his head the receptionist smiled looking up at him “you can call and confirm your participation and once you do, we will have a labelled box for you” Taking the forms he put his shades back on and stormed out. If your smart Vincenzo King do not come back for those pills because I'm going to make sure it leads you to insanity, then death. I’m getting her away from you and my revenge once and for all, this is war.
Isabella’s POV
I ran downstairs in the gym and was met by an unimpressed Vincenzo, rolling my eyes I got ready for three hours of fucking hell.
He instructs me to do some stretches before our hour workout and then I get a few minutes break before we start training today was knife tactics. A weapon I consider Vincenzo’s favourite, I stretched out and got ready.
“Go over to the assisted squats, I’m going to start it off with light weights. It’ll get heavier the more we train.” He gestured for me to go and get ready, getting in position he added the weights and guided me.
“Four sets forty seconds each” he ordered and started his timer; I squatted down and slowly got back up focusing on my form in the mirror. After around ten my legs began to shake, fuck I cannot be this out of shape. Vincenzo saw my struggle and smirked, I rolled my eyes “don’t be a condescending asshole” I hissed. He rolled his eyes and came to assist me. Standing behind me closing the gap between the two of us thinking we couldn’t get any closer he proved me wrong as his hands slowly make their way to my waist then down gripping the side of my hips pulling me further into him.
“Take your stance” he whispered against my ear.
I gulp fixing my form. “Bend your knees and lift with them not with your back” he guides me down into a proper squat.
His hands behind my thigh then down to my knee to demonstrate what he means by lifting with them and not my back. We stayed like this for what felt life hours and I forgot all about the pain I was in, I forgot about the burning sensation in my thighs, because I was feeling a whole different sensation in between my thighs.
I staked the weights back breathless as I watched him move around the machine and in front of me, while I was trying to catch my breath Vincenzo looked rather smug. He leaned his wrists on the metal rod and looked down at me, our hight difference once again leaving him to tower above me, I rolled my eyes “condescending ass, I had a baby come out of me I can be unfit if I want!” I hissed crossing my arms over my shoulders. “You want to call it a day? Or do you want to get into combat?” He genuinely asked me, I cocked an eyebrow and thought about it.
Combat meant hands on hands training, and he had to be even more up close and personal, in various positions. “I made a deal. Let’s do it” I smirked suddenly determined to finish what we started, I took a small swing of water and was guided over to the mat.
“Get ready” he throws a punch at me I quickly duck and push him back “what kind of fucking training!” I yelled.
“I told you get ready” he retorted. I rolled my eyes noticing my unamused facial expression he gets serious again.
“I know you’re good with your hands, now I need you to be able to do both a calculated hit and also using the other persons strength against them” He got into his stance nodding his head for me to mimic his actions.
I got into my stance myself and waited for his instruction, “Block and control the punch” he explained. “Punch me” he states I look at him confused “Isabella punch me” I shrug my shoulders and do as I’m told he swiftly slips and moves my arm to the side, trying to use my opposite arm he blocks and puts me in uncomfortable stance my arm reached out behind my back.
“Okay you made your point asshole” I grunt out, he lets go looking both amused and smug.
“When you see the attack coming lock and control it”.
“I’m going to punch you slowly and do as I say” he instructs nodding my head he throws a punch very slowly guiding me how to lock and control it.
“Slip and quickly carry the attack with the front hand” he instructs, I slip to the side his arm going just above my shoulder, using my left I push it aside stopping it from nearing my face. While my right hand rests on his left fist.