Page 34 of Conquer or Die

“Now I want to see my boy” he smiled rubbing his hands together, Vincenzo looked at him confused while I knew exactly what he meant I rolled my eyes laughing “excuse his confused expression I think he forgets sometimes he has a boy” I walked out to get Dante before Vincenzo stopped me “I’ll get him” he ushered me to stay as he went out to look for where Dante was.

“How are you dear?” Garcia spoke up ushering me to sit next to him, I smiled and nodded my head “I’m okay… a little confused but I’m good” I smiled reassuringly he edged closer to me with a curious look as he furrowed his eyebrows, “confused?” He questioned, “is this a sex change confused or a preference confusion?” He asked.

My mouth fell open as I stared at him, bursting out in a fit of laughter he looked at me taken back before he leaned back into his chair and watched me laugh with the biggest most admiring smile plastered on his face. “So beautiful when you laugh el dragón”.

I slowly stopped laughing and smiled looking at him.‘el dragón’the way it came out sounded all too familiar. It was soft and safe? How can a word or nickname be safe? I questioned myself shaking my head.

He saw the puzzled look on my face and smiled “It was a nickname I gave someone a long time ago” I nodded my head slowly, “your wife?” I questioned he smiled sadly and shook his head “she passed away years ago” he confirmed. I looked confused, “My wife and I wanted children, but she passed away pregnant. I was grieving two losses, and that’s when I really bonded with Vincenzo and his brother Dante.” I nodded my head understanding.

I rubbed his shoulder with a sympathetic smile “I’m so sorry” I whispered he looked at me and smiled “it’s been a long time, I’m okay. Anyway, why don’t you finish telling me what’s wrong” he ushered for me to continue.

I leaned back in my chair and sighed feeling selfish continuing my problems after discovering his wife was dead, “go on” he urged me, I shrugged my shoulders and continued to explain my dilemma to him.

“I meant my parents have been acting strange, like they’re hiding something, or they know something. I just can’t shake off the feeling that whatever it is it’s bad” I confided in him and truthfully said what was bothering me.

“I mean, have you taken into consideration that maybe it’s just part of what they experienced being trapped for all those years?” He suggested. I sighed still not feeling that the two coincided “it’s different this time, it’s like they’ve changed? I can’t explain it but somethings going on and its more than just PTSD … it’s like they’re getting certain memories back or just realising things … I don’t know it’s just a feeling I can’t shake off” I whispered the last part drifting off.

He looked at me with a smile and nodded his head “when I get a gut feeling like the one you have it’s usually always right trust it.” He advised me, as he was about to say something else Vincenzo walked in with Dante.

“There’s my boy” he cheered standing up, Dante laughed getting all excited as he tried to jump out of Vincenzo’s grasp and into Garcia’s. I giggled and watched as Garcia held Dante close to his chest and rocked him back and forth. “Cómo estás cachorro?” (How you doing puppy?) He asked him holding him in the air, Dante clapped his hands and went to pinch Garcia’s cheeks, “how cute” I awed watching the two of them.

Vincenzo looked at the two of them with admiration and some sadness probably because he never got this as a child, I looked at him my eyes softened watching as he looked at the two of them with yearning.

Garcia turned to look and caught Vincenzo’s expression “Your dad is not use to sharing the spotlight when it comes to the old man” he mocks earning a chuckle from Vincenzo.

“I may not have had any kids, but you my son I’m so proud of and I love you far deeper than you can imagine” he reassured him “maybe not as deep as Dante but still pretty deep” he commented making me laugh out, “all the attention is for him now” I shook my head watching my spoilt son get all the love.


Garcia left and now I was bathing Dante after Garcia insisted, he would feed him chocolate … 10 minutes later my son is now covered in chocolate. I washed him off and now I was watching him play with the bubbles in the bath. I leaned my chin on my arm “oh if your aunty was here, she would be so obsessed with you” I smiled weakly at my son.

It’s not fair, she didn’t deserve to go so soon. “If she was here shed also side kick me and play with you and tell me to leave because the fun one came” I laughed imaging how Maria would be with Dante, she always loved kids and I know if she was here, she would die over Dante.

“Isabella?” I looked over at the door and saw Vincenzo, Ariana, and Lorenzo standing in the doorway surprised I ushered them in. “We wanted to watch” Ariana claps, I sniffle a laugh and they all take a seat around the bathtub.

“You sure we shouldn’t put a pillow or something for him?” Vincenzo anxiously spoke up.

I rolled my eyes smiling “No if you have the guts I dare you to disturb him right now” I laughed daring him, “Oh you don’t want to get in the middle of Dante and his bubbles” Lorenzo spoke up from experience.

“He looks so much like Vincenzo” Ariana commented, I looked up my eyes making their way to a very proud Vincenzo who watched his son with so much love it made me melt.

“He might look like his dad, but he has his mum’s attitude” I laughed out wanting to get something out of the human I held in my stomach for nine months. Laughing we all watched him splash away soaking us and the bathroom floor in the process, it’s funny how such a little person had so much power that he brought us all back together.

“Isabella?” Ariana spoke up softly, I hummed looking over at her “are your parents, okay?” She asked curiously, I furrowed my eyebrows “what do you mean?” I questioned. “Me Sebastian and Alex decided to go check in, and we heard them arguing like really bad.” I straightened my posture and looked at her “did you know what about?” I asked. She shook her head “the second they saw us they went mute” she shook her head slightly apologising for not having much more information.

I nod my head softly “everything okay?” Lorenzo now questions while Vincenzo looks at me concerned “I don’t know” I answered honestly, “is that why you were weird when we left them at the clinic this morning?” Vincenzo recalls piecing it all together.

I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t know … I sensed something was off like there hiding something but I just I don’t know what that is yet.” They all nodded their heads softly I shook my head wanting to change the topic.

“You know Dante’s going to be four months next week” I smiled looking at Dante who looked up at the mention of his name, “stop growing please” Ariana begged tickling his exposed stomach.

He giggled shying away then splashing the water getting Ariana in the process. “Shouldn’t you get him out?” Vincenzo laughs out I shook my head no, “his tiring himself out, plus his quiet why would you want to disturb that?” I questioned.

“Believe me when he is finished, he will let me know” I added.

“A lot like you in that sense” Lorenzo commented looking at Vincenzo.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked offended.