Page 27 of Conquer or Die

“Marco you and your team will apprehend the south wing, first like discussed. Fico, I want your team to cover the west wing next. Luca, I want you and red to cover the North and East wings. Once each wing is covered and secure my team will apprehend myself and Isabella will go straight after Salvatore and Xavier the rest of you … you know what to do. Stay safe and remember no mistakes” he looks at me giving me a sharp nod. I nod taking in a deep breath trying to ignore the sick feeling I had in my stomach the closer we got to the estate. We parked the car on the side of the road waiting for the okay from bullseye.

“In position. Marco you're set to move in, just beware of the three guards at the front.” I looked out the window and watched Marco and his team go in taking out the three guards while three of his men take their places, Marco gestures for Fico to move in. Fico, along with his men slides through taking position around the manner, this seems all too easy.

After everyone is in position, we finally exit the car and go in, “Hey!” one of the girls call out I looked over at her and saw Vincenzo put his hands up. “I don't hit girls” he informs me, I shake my head and quickly rush to her before she exposes us. She goes to punch me in the nose, quickly ducking I hit the side of her stomach. She loses balance kneeling down using the back of my gun I hit her in the back of the head.

I huff dragging her body to the nearest bush, dusting myself off I walk back to Vincenzo and Lorenzo. “Welcome back Chica” Lorenzo smirks.

I shake my head and wait for Vincenzo to take the lead. We move through the bushes trying to get to the main manner, but our bodies stiffen hearing the alarm blaring.

"Everyone out now!" Vincenzo orders through the earpiece, “Bullseye cover us” he snaps as everyone tries to leave without shooting their guns. A fantasy if we thought we were leaving without a fight. We turn to retreat before spotting Red getting caught, “Cazzo” Vincenzo curses under his breath.

“Don’t do it!” He warns me before taking off to save his men. He shoots the man who held Red in a choke hold.

And before you know it, we were at war, everyone came out of the bushes Xavier’s men joined with the Salvatore’s outnumbered us. Fuck, I get out of the bushes and shoot at one of the men who was about to shoot Vincenzo from behind.

“Ah so lovely of you to join us amore” Xavier shouted from the Terrance, I grunted and ran inside.

“ISABELLA NO!” Vincenzo screamed wanting to run after me.

I ignore him and take off before he has the chance to grab me, I shoot my way inside killing anyone who tried to stop me. Fuck I curse running out of bullets.“You can’t rely solely on your gun or knives. Your head is always your most important asset. If you can think quickly on your feet, you’ll never lose a fight”Vincenzo’s voice echoed through my head.

I charge for one of the men who drew his gun aiming it at me, twisting his arm around I smash his head through the wall knocking him out, hearing the sound of his nose crushing sent a rather satisfying chill down my spine I smirk and rush upstairs.

Grabbing the blade, I had strapped to my thigh, “I’m going to have so much fun with this” I smiled looking at Xavier.

“Isabella please, you’re outnumbered. You and your ‘team’ don’t stand a chance” he mocked. I looked over the Terrance a lot of our men laid on the floor injured or dead, but so did his men.

It was hard to tell who was winning but I put the favour on the King’s. I looked back at Xavier, “outnumbered or not. You will die today even if I die too” I warned him, I was not leaving here until I had his head on a stake.

“All I wanted was you so if I can’t be with you, I’ll take dying together” he smiled pulling out his gun aiming it at me.

I threw my blade hitting him in the shoulder, I kick him my foot coming in contact with his face. He falls to the floor grabbing his gun and shooting. I yell like I was realising all my anger out in that scream, grabbing him by his collar I pin him up against the wall and knee him in the groin.

He pushes me off him, groaning as he pulls the blade out of his shoulder blade. He tosses it aside and grips my throat pulling me up, “do it” I choke out. He tightens his grip around my throat and just as I was about to give up Dante’s little face flashed in front of me. “NO” I scream, pushing my thumb all the way into his eye. He screams letting go of my throat, I grab the gun off the floor and aim it at him.

“You fucking bitch” he yells out placing his hand over his eye, he turns his head to look at me. “WHY?” He yells out, and suddenly everything went quiet, the fight below stopped as I felt everyone’s intense stare on us. He charged for me. My back hitting the edge of the terrance.

“Why don’t you love me back?” He asked looking hurt, I scoffed “Love?” I yell ironically.

“YOU KIDNAPED ME, TORTURED ME, RAPED ME! YOU BROKE ME AND YOU BROKE MY PARENTS, YOU KILLED MARIA AND YOU ASK WHY I DON’T LOVE YOU?” I yelled. Grabbing my other blade, I had attached to my thigh I stabbed him in the stomach repeatedly.

I stood over his bloody and barely conscious body feeling tired, I place my hand over my stomach and look at my now blood-stained palm. “Wha-” I breath out when did I get shot. I looked at Xavier who had a smile on his face, “I shot you and you didn’t even notice. My dragon” he breathed out trying to stay awake looking at me in awe.

I look up and see Salvatore aiming the gun at me, “NOOO” Xavier shouts but it was too late he shot me. I stumble back losing balance and consciousness.

Xavier stands up, barely able to walk he goes to grab me, but he was too late my eyes roll to the back of my head my body fell back, “NOO” Xavier shouts trying to grab me mid fall but he failed he hovered over the terrance as he watched my falling body. I feel the air embrace me in a tight hug.


Isabella’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the bright light, I looked around trying to find a familiar surrounding, but everything rushed past me in a blur, the sound of panic was all I could really hear. The exhaustion over taking me I couldn’t but close my eyes and once again surrendered to the darkness that welcomed me home.


My slumber is short lived hearing mixed voices in the room, I slowly flutter my eyes open putting a face to the various voices, except for one voice. His voice was engraved in my head like a song on repeat a blissful sound.

“I don’t want sneak attacks. I don’t want ambush I want to tear him down until his nothing but ashes” Vincenzo roars looking at his men. “I don’t just want him dead I want him to slowly deteriorate as I drain every ounce of energy. I want him to suffer” chills shivered down my spine as the hair on my arms stood up. I cough struggling to sit up, everyone’s eyes dart toward me.